Bullying in a Networked Era--in re: Rape

Bullying in a Networked Era--Harvard Cyberlaw keenly i have observed a huge lack of respect for the victims of rape from assange. there appears to be a Digital Divide which separates England and Australia from comprehending the dangers of creating E-evidence trails of Bullying which is strategic, severe, harassing, and includes death and rape threats, to punish victims of crime for reporting crime. many thanks to harvard for exploring the human understanding of bullying people up unto the point of suicide and for seeing this as a worthy topic for discussion. this will enhance the already substantive Rape Shield Legislation to protecting Rape Victims. It should go without saying that Rape Victims should not be bullied online, or by Australian Media ABC 4 corners, to punish them for reporting crime. sadly, we see with the assange case, our vision for a world free of rape and retaliatory victim harassment has not been internationalized.
