mute at cape disappointment

when all crimes were forgiven
music boys in dresses and
glenda jackson on thatcherism

poets of this or other eras
held softly in the sutures
which closed his skull

the splitting of the skull
of this or any other human
of this or any other

knows no leonardo
to unveil the secret wars
of this mind

between cerebellum and cerebrum's
finest hours
clearly yesterday's drugs

might interdict
tomorrow's sorrows
at cape disappointment

one burning last stand
might ignite
the yellow prison's horrors

where we are understood
finally by emergency room
to scream our way out

of this and all boxes
containing the contents
of our scrawling minds

where angela dreams
by moonlight
of her auto crash

where julie lies to herself
where anna prays
there are women

i love there
with countless horrors
enacted on their bodies like
crime scenes

we walk our way
round oslo
and no one knows

the shattered door
of a doll's house

a baby dead suddenly
there are fault lines
at the limits of the rule of law

where the empress and i passed
the flea in silver lake
the princess

needs a jargon
of chaucer enough
to scrawl

some lines for her father's
death, the stench of his death
and his coffin grin

a pewter octopus
in his lotus hands
my sokoshinbutsu

when comes round frankincense
he was but a knave
who coldly gazed

and looked away
unashamed of our humble pewter

then in a dream
he said
are you being treated well

i responded, well no
there is disorder
in the empire

so sadly i return
to write my cantos
sorry for a novel
that was

eager for it's next in series
content in a poem
the novella

of oppression
we heard you write
what happens in the prison stays here

don't write
masterpiece of empire
building secrecy

sleeper cells
in thorny patches
she was but a cut out after all!

no bad blood for my KGB wife
anna has been released
and unity in the streets of kiev

and f--- the EU
and f--- military rape

gates has money a plenty for all
disappointment's sisters
never never

father was the axe to crack
open your heart
so new begins the day
