Compliance Oversight Community Liaison notes PDX city hall

spoke of noncomplaince via appeal and the tension in hiring a compliance officer

sexual harassment of Rachel Andrew police ---Portland Police inducing PTSD by harassing female cops

spoke of "obstructionism" and police union's "lockstep-ism" b4 Portland City Hall---

decried three white guys and contest of facial hair decisions

Chicago police torture 

i dont know why portland copwatch did not speak but dan handelman was there

Mayor cut me off about sexual harassment (the wrong strategy to take clearly)

explained need for a loyalty oath re; "unamerican" Nazi-ism from Portland Police

(to be clear---i do not mean "Nazi" in the casual gutter way it is used to mean "mean person" by uneducated people of the Racist Northwest---i mean the fellow Kruger with an affiliation for Nazi-ism, genocide, celebrating Hitler and Nazi figures)

Fritz revamped my testimony by asking me more and declaring it helpful
