I was tortured for money at UCLA and Torrance Memorial & I do not support PSU and I think Condi and Rumi should be arrested

I was tortured for money at UCLA and Torrance Memorial in Torrance, CA by Dr. Zuba and Dr. Moeller.... Zuba is dead...Moeller and TMMC are being sued. John Moeller put his kids through Chadwick Prep., paid his mortgage on his Rancho Palos Verdes McMansion with my parents trust and money. He is going to pay for everything his MK Ultra / Post WW II Nazi training stole... 25 yrs straight up.... evil always loses. I do not support PSU and I think Condi and Rumi should be arrested by 4th-5th dimensional goverance....think purge. V ...so....Great Video.....hold the PSU ivory tower elites accountable.... Portland is in the flood plane. God will rinse the filth off......Trump cannot have the codes or the ability to torture...p.s..... 'god is watching you....every single one of you....24/7'...and remember, in the end, what you give is what you get.... hell for UCLA and TMMC dark ones...eternally.TDHK
