vomiting up the charlie hales legacy: break out the old bulimia

i cant stand charlie hales so much that i moved away.

amanda fritz thought i was lying when post-shoulder rippingly i said I LOVE YOU.

Oh . . . the forced confession.

It's really important that whistleblowers like me get bruised crushed and ripped.

So the end of 2016 just coincides with Stomach Flu.

Trying to vomit this last round of puke, somehow got me thinking of Charlie Hales and the way the Portland Police conspired to rip up my arms.

it's not just Russia.

i dont allege Portland City Hall is Guantanamo. I mean at least Amanda Fritz RN is just mild-manneredly shielding Human Rights abuses like bone-breaking and stampeding people backwards down staircases which didnt even comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act to begin with minus the pepperspray.

Oh . . . The Yom Kippur Stampede.

And somehow i dont envy Todd Engstrom plodding around Portland.

He's ripping people up as usual, because isnt that fun, if you are this oaf of a cop, with no ability to read or understand the US Constitution.

Because like, Charlie Hales.

Interpol, hello.

He's like catch Assad first.

It was important for British Amanda Fritz to make sure my bones were crushed, because she's that kind of suffragette.

You bet i feel betrayed.

But its not like i had to die like Anna Politkovskaya or Anna Lindh, yet.

I mean, besides Assassin Ben Pickering's handiwork.

It's not like AmandaFritz RN could have listened to me:



But money calls.


and such.

So whether its stomach flu, or a bit of bulimia, or both, Charlie Hales makes me want to throw up.

Ever since 2013 when he started giving me the cold shoulder for talking about police brutality.

they all did. Amanda Fritz, Nick Fish, Steve Novick, and even Dan Saltzman.

They all sat by and let me be arrested on a false weapons charge in defiance of their obligations against whistleblower retaliation as propounded by USA v. PDX. Like, what they can't read?



