nigeria, cote d'ivoire, webdesign might conquer ethics, the demonetized future

shell government of nigeria cables

three day old cable release.  wow.

a lawyer from the nigerian chevron exploitation case which took chevron to a san fran court came to speak once atthe LA LACE gallery.  i wonder what new information unfolds and the future of the wikileaks cables in courts.

explaining the way american courts defend torture and assassination is not easy.

this plus the nagging feeling i have about the cote d'ivoire toxic dumping by trafigura, as profiled in wikileaks----

enjoy your coffee and chocolate, world

paper topic: how webdesign might conquer ethics, a puzzle for the modern day Goebbels
of corporate brand strategy
or corporate social responsibility
and PR-repair
or discuss brand image and credibility in a post wikileaks era.

what color scheme will dispel the memory of toxic racist dumping and censorship
from BP sunflower
to McLibel
to media sentry going peer media
wackenhut becoming G4S---it sounds like a cellular network, but is acutually an industrialized totrure camp network, operating on racist bias.


think a lot of my economics classes and sitting on the roof in portland baking in the smog and heat all summer reading the financial times, and reading about day 87 or something of the oil spill.
and how everything i understood then, is a part of why or how i am here now.
i believe the state to be an illusion, but a very powerful intimidating illusion, especially when enforced by refoulement, detention camps, handcuffs, beatings, return to to torturous regime, execution . . .
and a very interesting illusion, when and if it might confer selfish benefit to life forms with a renewed instinct for survival.

and where in survival is not merely as a lobotomized foxnews and fastfood filled american, but survival with intellectual survival, where my mind was starving, my soul was starving for justice and equality, and it could not be found in america, freedom
to break free . . .
but america is everywhere
america is globalization, the continuation of british empire . . .
and modicums of safety, intellectual room to breathe!

at 11 am friday 28 january outside kulturhuset another meeting will occur with the stockholm cote divoire activists discussing the impact of colonialism and the election upheaval

we will march somewhere---i hope to catch more for the youtube!

looking at this

as with tolerant dutch society so strictly caring for language enforcement---when also i care for the music of swedish so much!---a friend explains some irony of xenophobie behind the SFI program---and the problems with deportations, etc.

lets have a look:

and that AI's director resigned due to internal turmoil/corruption.  hmmm.  and the whole money/wage slavery thing.

a blog i wrote in called "labor law for non-lawyers" keeps nagging at me too lately, due to a friend saying, hey you got me int rouble with my friends.  his friends were my friends too, but they were ignorant of labor law and the more ethical concepts of natural law.  they were paying the workers on the racist sliding scale, in the california economy.  it was clear as day what happens when money begins to play in, in any industry, even ecological hippy industry.

in addition to not believing in property or state, also too, i do not believe in law, or language.
but for law: the law of capitalism runs
what is yours will be mine, when i take it from you by force.
and money is a charade to keep things seeming polite half the time on a surface reality.

labor extraction etc.
resource wars, life.

i keep thinking of this phrase "the demonetized future"
because i was the socialist at the monopoly game. i do not believe in property rights, but rather property illusions
or the illusory nature of material existence

and everything i like to do is not paying in money
thinking a lot about venture capital for artists

a year ago i had out a business loan from P2P banks to finance and album and marketing company
then i read about the semi-collapse of P2P banking in the US as slowly the law catches up to that
"hey what's going on on the internet?" head-scratching moment and starts to regulate and control.  plus the economy was sliding further.

but i dtream of and plan for something along these lines, this borrowing of the venture capital methods of technology startups for underfunded and underrespected artists.

that we could pool interest and resource, and return with spiritual enlightenment and artistic joy, the petty effect of mere "money" in its conspiracy of value.

if we put art and environment and human rights(!@#) first, and corporate greed and war and torture and racism back in a dungeon.

in the demonetized future, people might work to increase their cognitive capital, their artistic riches, as we do already, our generation, in our digital sweatshops, facebook sweatshops, youtube sweatshops, etc.

but when we might find a way, to finance big ideas
and build the new festivals of the future, full of hope and promise for art, environment, animals.
it will not be necessary to kill . . .
and the mornings fresh petrol delivers my fruititarian fare . . .
and alphabet soup
