Royal Courts of Justice: Julian Assange: No Exit

Assange leaving the Royal Court of Justice on Extradition Appeal

this exit picture is funny
not all  people know
Branding of "Justice"
is much different from actual Justice
and what is Royal?
and for some of us
there is no Exit.
from Justice
or the nightmare of injustice.
Justice cannot be conveyed by Pompous Architecture and Euphemism alone.

why would we send Julian Assange who has done so much towards the cause of Human Rights to regimes of Sweden, a human rights violating regime pro torture, pro deportation, detention, and refoulement for the CIA?????

the CIA deportation rings
ror inte min kompis
don't touch my friends

and quickly
we begin to speak of the prisons of the present and the future
where bodies are dismembered and sold
for organ trafficking
red market

as in China
members of Falun Gong are dismembered for organ harvesting
in organ harvesting

i wonder who would eat my brain

of concentration camp musical instinct
and funerary internet

camp song
sung at
barry goldberg's
i credit him totally with the strength
and the inspiration

he produced snoop and eagles and courtney love and marilyn manson
he is a rare beacon of ethics
one night he said i was like a chomsky

camp song
via brecht

knives out
collateral murder
is a good remix

my friend chris bandy in TN said one of her bradley manning supporter friends says i remind her of rachel corrie
arran edmonstone explains

and blacklisted in hollywood
is saying hi!

blacklisted is working on our Team Journalism Corporation proposal for investigative journalism in Los Angeles

first edit
"alex dirty thirty"
how beautiful life is

daniel pinci
