Vikram Singh Breathless

Vikram Singh has a book about mysticism.
His manuscript is unfinished by his accord, but i have urged him to publish drafts on scribd, for the sake of humanity.
Vikram Singh went to Calcutta recently on a film project and was in London during the Julian Assange Extradition Hearing. Vik was meeting with Iranian elder figures of state who experienced the 1954 CIA coup affair.  In France he sought out interviews needing state protection. Vikram's grandfather was Chandran Singh, the poilitical philosopher, prime minister, and Gandhian.
Vik's family has roots in the Jain tradition, a path of nonviolence and ahimsa.
Vik was in the company of his colleague, DadaBhoy who is working on a Pakistan documentary about women with disabilities.
We spoke about Wikileaks with Alle Segretti in the lobby of a hotel near Kensington Gardens 20 july 2011.
Vik has so much to offer the world spiritually.
His thesis for the American Film Institute was about the Bosnian war.
His company is Valkyrie Media.
We met in Los Angeles in May and i briefed him about my Wikileaks research.

from stockholm, i wrote him regarding collaborative ideas with the Willey brothers regarding India and transformation.
the music would be composed by Nick Maybury recorded with Rothhandle and be based on the film ideas of Abbe Willey regarding an arist who makes castles out of sand in Goa.
is it far fetched it might happen, or what might come in between?
i wanted it to be about
or how it might transpire to be . . .
or become

Vik and I watched the Cop 15
police brutality together
on youtube
thank wikileaks
