letter to DOJ's jonas geissler re: Portland

Joe Walsh v. Charlie Hales: Judge Simon injunction on future free speech restrictions by Mayor

(Multnomah County Copwatch) David Kif Davis facing a hearing in January about a LIFETIME BAN on city council meetings which i believe this Injunction Invalidates.

he's also facing criminal charges in March for FILMING police arrest activist Barry STull at a city council meeting

even though Oregon Legislature has gone out of its way to make sure the language explicitly protects filming police

Will all of Mayor's censorship victims have to sue separately?
how much will Multnomah DA help in the activist crackdown?

Conflict of Interest? Mayor's Censorship Henchman Bryant Enge is also NAACP treasurer. i am petitioning NAACP re: whether his work censoring City Hall activists for Charlie Hales conflicts with his role at NAACP


needless to say Oregon Court of Appeals ruling on Aaron Campbell killer Ron Frashour disturbs us.


Conflict of Interest? How can paid police expert witness Paul Meyer against Lisa Haynes 4th am. case also be on the inside of COAB making numerous complaints on the inside
