Lone Vet Joe Walsh's Christmas Gift: "Our Police department is a Rogue Police Department"

Damn. I wish i was in court today.
and yesterday.

WHY IS THE MEDIA on Blackout mode?
court isnt everybody's idea of holiday fun.
but when Joe Walsh is suing Portland for their repression of his work for the DOJ police brutality reform agenda.

and i don't even believe in god.

(please somebody give me an update. is Simon LOLing or what?)

i always looked at it as my responsibility to grandpa, to show Portland Activist Lone Vet aka Joe Walsh the love and appreciation he earned.
Tyrant Charlie Hales doesn't see it that way.
Tyrant Charlie Hales kicks activists out of his Portland City Hall.

Tyrant Charlie Hales predated Lone Vet, defied his special needs, profiled him as cannonfodder, and discriminated against his first amendment rights, and his sense of civic duty.
Sometimes i think it is Lone Vet's Brooklyn accent.
he SOUNDS I-talian.


Tyrant Charlie Hales
hates New York.
or hates Irishmen.
or maybe
Tyrant Charlie Hales hates veterans.
or maybe
Tyrant Charlie Hales hates Vietnam Veterans.
or maybe

Tyrant Charlie Hales hates people with emphysema who walk with a cane.
who use an oxygen tank.


Tyrant Charlie Hales is like, WHATEVER.


Nick Fish's face melted off and his jaw dropped as
Tyrant Charlie Hales went full-blast tyrant at Lone Vet.
kicking him out of city hall.
Nick Fish is a lawyer and knows better.
plus, he's an actual aristocrat, not a nouveau riche white trash like
Tyrant Charlie Hales.
Nick Fish knows not to be so obvious about engaging in full blown Stalinesque repression ala
Tyrant Charlie Hales.

so while the homeless suffer, City of Portland is tying up more money with their hilarious law team, fighting the ungood fight of the pro-pepper spray, pro-censorship, antiamerican value system lampooned as the People's Republic of Portland.
Tyrant Charlie Hales hasn't gone full-blast Tiananmen Square or anything, preferring to enact his antiamerican tyrannies through a shell-game of sweeps, police brutality incidents, and kickbacks for NeoNazis on the force.

But Good Lone Vet has A Good Judge.
Judge Simon, who just happened to get slapped in the face by 

Tyrant Charlie Hales with that stupid appeal of his DOJ settlement.
now Michael Simon is going to know that
Tyrant Charlie Hales tried to blackbag a policebrutality activist who testified at 
Judge Simon's police brutality "fairness" hearing  in front of the DC bigwigs B4 FERGUSON.
see PAGE 316 for Lone Vet's testimony.
then contemplate WHY
Tyrant Charlie Hales tried to blackbag Joe Walsh aka Lone Vet.

Tyrant Charlie Hales hauled his dragging ass into court on October 21, 2015 on my advice that he better get with the program.
but it looks like Judge Simon is going to see it for the fakery it is, when he finds out what
Tyrant Charlie Hales did to Lone Vet.

and even though the COAB (Community Oversight Advisory Board)-dissident hitman Paul Meyer is also a not very expert witness for the Lisa Haynes, well-at-least-we-didnt-pepper-spray-her, 4th amenedment violation case, the

Tyrant Charlie Hales
loves to waste City Attorney money and time doing legal backbends in court to defend his ludicrous capricornian worldsystem of scorched-earth burn-portland-to-the-ground autocracy.

and what's more funny than City attorney's getting paid 100K a year to defend picking on disabled people, arresting elderly activists, breaking journalists cameras, intimidating witnesses (see Lisa Haynes case). destroying evidence (see Ace Tavern Birkinbine video destruction order), harassing veterans.

Wanna Be Tyrant Ted Wheeler won't get back to me on if he will kick activists out of city hall as a continuation of the Tyrant Charlie Hales "Gag and Censor" regime.

i'll go with Jules Bailey, thanks.

So Lone Vet gave us a a Happy Hannukah gift, or a Kwanza, or a Winter Solstice surprise.
HE gave us the coolest Merry Xmas gift of all.
a federal lawsuit in the Portland US District Court against Charlie Hales and his minions of censorship and gagging.
one particular Bryant Enge is the fallguy.


Bryant Enge, Director

Bryant Enge, the Director of the Bureau of Internal Business Services, helps the City better serve the public by overseeing the bureau’s wide variety of services it provides to City departments and the community to enable their success. Bryant’s wealth of city operational experience includes serving as Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer for the City of Federal Way, where he developed annual city-wide budgets, oversaw risk management and human resources activities, and coordinated information technology. He was chief financial person for City of Seattle’s Department of Transportation and the Office of Transportation for the City of Portland. He has managed and developed a number of major public facilities in Portland, including participation in the development of the Rose Garden Arena and the expansion of the Oregon Convention Center. Bryant Enge holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and mathematics from the Oregon State University and a master’s degree in finance from the University of Oregon.
