tweets of the Annapolis Capital Gazette shooter Jarrod Ramos @erichartleyfrnd

"Fuck you, leave me alone @judgemoylanfrnd."
"I’d say Moylan should kill himself, but I hope he lives to see this. Then the crooked prosecutor can fuck off like Frank (i.e., like Phil)."
"More tactile indenture evidence: “11th.” This is not a copy! Motion was never reviewed by a judge (or #judgeling).\n"
"Maybe it's not true Moylan is just another lying shitbag esquire (in robes). Maybe he's actually gone senile. But what's Graeff's excuse?"
"Citing Vanderlinde standard (lie = disbarment), COA considers greater consequences than other jurisdictions imposed.\n"
"4 months ago Wright, Graeff and Moylan was the very same panel disposing of \"pro se appeals\" in 1 day. Krauser really assigns them randomly?"
"The power of false reputation, @MDAppeal.\n\"Without offering any legal support or argument … the appellant seems to be raising arguments[.]\""
"Eric Thomas Hartley comes closer to “the immunity” under Steve Shitbag. Interest in cert grants, truth, soon to be tested yet again. #hurt"
"Does @Steve_Lash have info COSO is a cold bench? But see Rule 8-523(b)(1). #judgelings (consideration actually dictated by Krauser’s clerk)"
"\"Witnesses lie because they believe in street justice.\"\nSo do crooked prosecutors. At least one (Moylan) became a MD appellate #judgeling."
"Alternatively, she could rely on her and Lamasney’s “higher power” to justify lying, bringing further disrepute to the Maryland Judiciary."
"Now that she has to think more carefully about her “opinions” beyond the actual parties, hopefully Hotten would reverse herself in Simpson."
"Sin City paper @reviewjournal is seeking a new editor. I understand Thomas Lee Marquardt didn't really want to retire. He'd be a great fit."
"Eric Thomas Hartley knows from experience, but doesn't appreciate how bad it can get. Journalist Hell awaits."
"None out of two, as #judgeling Moylan said, \"does not do it,\" @ethartley. #ethics #cert"
"Not spoken like a fellow contemnor who doesn't have the immunity."
"Am I for real or just signing papers ghostwritten by Zodd? Ask the @anneleitess assistant who watched me school BFM before MIttelstaedt, J."
"Gross, but what other choice? Hope some honor rubs off on Slob Lamasney’s workout partner turned appellate guardian.\n"
"In anticipation of forthcoming rape and murder, I am now officially more famous than Jarrod Radnich. Thanks JabbaTH."
"How to make peace with lying for a living when there is MD Rule 1-311 to worry about? Stop living. See Phil. See also Frank.\nP.S. Hi Moylan."
"Bob's favorite synonym for telling a lie? \"Respectfully submitted.\" At least novel writers don't have MD Rule 1-311.\n"
"A copy of the Motion to Dismiss was discovered by counsel for Defendants lying in the street. \"Lying…? Superb idea!\""
"RT @JusticeWillett: Monitored but not followed.\n\nThe Twitter version of \"person of interest.\"\n\nSo close!"
"After relegating Paris attack to page 2, @HutzellRick relegates explanation post Entertainment. Je suis @capgaznews!\n"
"Too bad @capgaznews can't do an Our Say based on shit reporting, @TPratt_Capital, but thanks for supporting my #cert petition.\nP.S. Fuck you"
"Fuck you, leave me alone.\n"
"Referring to @realDonaldTrump as \"unqualified\" @capgaznews could end badly (again).\n\nLike so:\n"
"Crazy man in the Court of Appeals!"
"I propose MD institute a third-tier appellate court. Then maybe \"honorable\" COSO judges will stop nonchalantly putting their names on shit."
"Car warranties are unenforceable after 4 years, regardless of stated length. Shouldn't this reported, @Steve_Lash?\n"
"COSO's Chief Judge doesn't know failure to state a claim is reviewable de novo, skips on argument; Graeff is Graeff:\n"
"Sandbaggers take heed: Adkins and McDonald have no problem with this DIG—issue wasn't preserved for appellate review.\n"
"Which is stranger: @LasVegasSun has more followers than @reviewjournal, or Eric Thomas Hartley has more desire to avoid #cert than reversal?"
"It’s not the journalist-on-journalist violence that shows @bryce_williams7 is a fake journalist; it’s the fake name."
"I wonder how many new clients BFM will garner in the wake of #ashleymadison. Oh, but he's already practiced as a vexatious pro se litigant."
"@MDAppeal He needs to articulate why it is \"painfully obvious,\" but this is classic Hotten/Graeff twisted idiocy:"
"I'm very disappointed Bob's \"record extract\" didn't also include hundreds of pages of Twitter printouts, also actually cited in his \"brief.\""
"Bob didn’t say it or mean it like this, but it makes sense an inferior janitor court should first resolve the shitty threshold issue. #cert"
"@MDAppeal Each one carefully and independently considered by three superior judges. Same goes for the impending motions for reconsideration."
"That was the whole idea. Unfortunately, Frank's been catching him up on the #hurt. Evil Tom's report still to follow."
"I was looking forward to answering RFA 45. But now—precisely because he is an asshole—I don’t get to repeat in court that BFM is an asshole."
"I laughed too when Muntjan asked, \"Have you all read my brief?\" Unfortunately, the joke has a different punchline in some inferior courts."
"Just Because You Say somebody conspired doesn't mean they conspired; JBYS somebody reviewed everything doesn't mean they reviewed anything."
"When BFM realizes—only now as a vexatious pro se litigant—he’s been copy-and-pasting wrong rule cites for 15 years:\n"
"After much soul searching, @chuang2012 found inspiration. I am of course referring to the ignorant shit reporter."
"Guan-yin dang face could have asked her publisher to allow another column, but she already knew the answer to that."
"@chuang2012 If you think being \"bullied\" on Twitter is #hurt-ful, try going through life followed by lies published in your shit newspaper."
"This is not only respectable, but correct. BFM's blasted demon baby already died. Note the \"no longer an injury.\""
"Very amusing to imagine how icky JDS felt and how grandiose BFM felt when they shook hands. And he's not even Bob (for the record). #amended"
"Very amusing to imagine how icky JDS felt and how grandiose BFM felt when they shook hands. And he's not even Bob (or disbarred yet)."
"Thanks for an insecure opposition to certiorari that makes certiorari even more likely, Bob. However can I repay you?"
"But will he always tell the truth, even when it #hurts? He's named Steve Shitbag for a reason, like his ephemerality.\n"
"Traps gone bush to bush-league. Charlie Sondervan’s PTSD is making him mail things to my home. I fear for my safety."
"See Eric Thomas Hartley attempting to cultivate another kind of \"the immunity.\" @thomasmnv\n"
"I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that repeating questions of law in a motion for summary judgement is futile. #CyberStalking"
"Judge Nick used the computers @capgaznews to solicit sex from children. Evil Tom knew, but thought—with his influence—he’d never get caught."
"Always in court, @capgaznews still doesn’t know how to read legal opinions. So they incessantly call the COA stupid over that pit-bull case."
"So fortuitous having an open mic to go outside the record in the Court of Appeals. And they think *you're* stupid!?"
"With @capgaznews as the public's eyes and ears, we can all be bipolar drunkards. Alternatively, where we're going..."
"Correct, curious clerk: Eric Thomas Hartley et al. are rightly scared shitless. Alternatively, #JeSuisPhilMerrill."
"Remember when Eric Thomas Hartley was so proud to see his name on a court docket? I do. Here's to unwanted legacies.\n"
"Rob Pryor quietly got the pink slip @capgaznews. Multiple reasons @baltimoresun doesn't need an extra circulation director. @eyeonannapolis"
"Graeff, who joined in #ShitOpinion, wrote this in 185 Md.App. 156 (2009). She also joined in Simpson. Layers of shit!"
"Steve Shitbag proudly goes out the same way he came in @capgaznews: with willful blindness to the truth that #hurts."
"Hopefully @eyeonannapolis won’t be surprised when @MDGazette ceases publication. This is another obvious step in that transparent plan."
"Steve Shitbag (@sgunn) flees sinking ship, community he never really cared about. But his legacy will live on. #hurt\n"
"I’ve covered retweets, but does Googling something constitute republication? Interesting legal question, dear reader."
"Too late, @LasVegasLocally. You've endorsed JabbaTH deserves to be choked to death with a chain. Ask @vanessafranko."
"Ms. Lush exposes failed civil conspiracy of scumbag lawyers et al. to derail defamation lawsuit. Disbarment possible.\n"
"COSO affirms seven-figure punitive judgement against disbarred lawyer for invasion of privacy:\n#AllMyRespectStillLost"
"Googling \"Judge James Lombardi\" returns @judgelingJJL 3rd. Now look what's 10th. Eat my shit, Judge James Lombardi."
"Inferior janitor courts established for the same reason.\nDistrict Court : Circuit Court :: Court of Shit Opinions (COSO) : Court of Appeals"
"Inconsistent dispositions—who cares? Unreported appeals are analogous to de novo appealable Mickey Mouse judgements."
"$50: 10 copies of a police report or, in the alternative, 10 copies of Bob still has no idea what I'm talking about."
"When BFM threatened to “slaughter” me, he couldn’t have meant as a practicing attorney. I fear for my safety. #sickos"
"\"Davis didn't shy away from criticism[.]\"\nBut he couldn't take this:"
"And the 2015 Eye On Annapolis Champion of the Universe award goes to… John Frenaye! Congratulations, @eyeonannapolis.\n"
"A spotlight on inequity within the MD justice system couldn't come at a more fitting time. Here's to Higher Authority hearing and #hurting."
"One year later, breaking the news to Judge Kenney. @Steve_Lash\n#ShitOpinion #ShitOpinion2"
"Meredith wishes he could emulate Mr. Spock, but the shit opinions I've seen from his COSA remind me more of tribbles.\n"
"You've got a tell, COSA."
"\"Ignore the problem and it will go away\" isn't my style. Bob's maybe. Here's to continued aggravation, and attorney fees as may be entitled."
"Congratulations to Chief Judge Krauser for once again very nearly making the dilatory Slob appear diligent."
"Jeez, Paone, why do you have to read from notes to tell your fondly remembered story about Weathersbee? It's like it never really happened."
"\"Said Tom Fleckenstein, another of Weathersbee's [final victims]: 'Frank would want to be here.'\" Well I'm convinced.\n"
"I find peace knowing that Weathersbee answered my letter with his final act. I accept his guilty plea and sentence him to eternity in Hell."
"At least one of these former longtime State’s Attorneys killed himself. Isn’t it obvious who?\n\n"
"Weathersbee Merrilled himself so details won’t be released. Press releases weren't his way; he preferred the Our Say.\n"
"Slob Lamasney *supports* forced confessions in the name of God. The Inquisition wasn’t only carnage, but she didn’t get the memo, literally."
"Even if the resident was murdered, @pierceall, like the liar father of your daughters gives a shit. #ForGreatColumns\n"
"\"[S]ignificantly, the [Slob] denied the motion without commenting, one way or the other[.]\" What's new? #judgelings"
"I understand Slob Lamasney really hates being reversed, but integrity is more reliable than praying COSA protection:\n"
"COSA trampling on graves doesn’t warrant cert. Still, the complete guide to recognizing final judgement: #ShitOpinion"
"Don’t think you aren’t personally liable for the TRO, Evil Tom. You know it took you back to the glee that was “Bobby Needs to Button Up.”"
"Slob Lamasney quickly dismissed me then said she was sorry I had to wait so long. Two years later, Catholicism still says liars go to hell."
"Dwyer charged in boat accident, Evil Tom: “Resign now.” Now: “All lawsuits are just a claim and hardly something to get stirred up about.”"
"When @CapitalOne gets upset, local gov preemptively caved; when @capgaznews gets upset, they threaten attorney fees.\n"
"You think your congressional representation is fake, @capgaznews? Just as many complain that PG is too conservative.\n"
"When Griffith said, \"You will work for me,\" I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about garnishing wages.\n"
"Correction, @shaunadamec: bad journalist. But dying is a touchy subject for him. Just go about your business as Clinton's Press Secretary."
"Harrell to Marcalus: \"What if she went on the offensive? You're recused.\"\nDon't forget having the shit sued out of and disbarred. #Ehhehehe"
"A good professional dealing with an unrepresented opposing party \"walk on eggshells\"? Shut up.\n"
"2000 Capital Drive, just as @capgaznews left it, passes for authentic office of blood-stained tabloid publication:\n"
"If indigent Lori Michelle Sondervan can hire an attorney, why can't millionaire Vinod Goyal? Easy explanation: greed."
"@jonhutson Were any school children intimidated?"
"@jonhutson Catch-22: for Lenio to be convicted you have to admit he intimidated you. Either way, a terrorist has won."
"I watched a judge analogize civil litigation to elective surgery. In that sense it's true: I'm a very sick person.\n"
"Hahaha, @bacman, @reviewjournal wants people to think you got 3 pics of Hartley from HIS Twitter, but he only has 1."
"If Bob represented terrorists (and he does), this would be his defense when @Charlie_Hebdo_ sues the shit out of him."
"The problem with Hartley, @mhengel, is he's a veteran bad journalist and proudly irresponsible, like @Charlie_Hebdo_.\n"
"It's a very good question—and he may have to answer it—especially after spending his afternoon sitting in on \"that.\"\n"
"@MikeSaffran Meanwhile, @Charlie_Hebdo_ is begging for funding and @capgaznews is being assimilated by @baltimoresun."
"After his freshly deleted frolics, [unsigned]'s still in denial wine snobs and drunkards aren't mutually exclusive."
"I'll enjoy seeing @capgaznews cease publication, but it would be nicer to see Hartley and Marquardt cease breathing.\n"
"\"It must be excruciating to … report the news and not say anything about this. … Is he telling the truth?\" @mhengel\n"
"So what? I PIAed #judgeling Lamasney and the only document reflecting her decision making process was the lunch menu.\n"
"\"Well over $200,000,\" @remawriter? Your shit reporting reads like a shit appellate brief. Just tell us the amount."
"\"Good problem to have … Many need that chance to get in front of a potential employer and tell their story.\" Perjury?\n"
"Say hello to our eavesdropper, @Steve_Lash, @pwoodreporter, @eyeonannapolis. BFM wanted a witness. Think he got one?"
"October 23, 2014: a date which will live in infamy. We will never forget (credit the awakened sleeping giant-fucker)."
"This madman is a terrorist pretending to be a lawyer. I repulsed him mightily, but the hunt for BFM Laden continues."
"Ask your new friend, @La__Ley:\nWho is John Smith?\nWhy is your editor going to be receiving a MD appellate brief?\nWhy does that bother you?"
"More ironic hypocrisy. And isn't this whole \"I am Charlie\" nonsense so apt after what I said about Comrade Sondervan?"
"Foutrement drôle, ne est-ce pas @Charlie_Hebdo_? #JeSuisCharlie"
"Innocence can be subjective. “NOT DOING JOURNALISM PROPERLY IS A CRIME”? Do brave unethical journalists dare discuss?\n"
"Terrorists targeted the WTC for its symbolism. “We will never forget,” but 7 years later McCain and Obama were debating “Main vs. Wall St.”"
"But don't bother suing the shit out Al-Qaeda, @Charlie_Hebdo_. They're even better at evading service of process than Eric Thomas Hartley."
"Charlie Hebdo should sue the shit out of everyone for using their name without permission. Je suis BFM. @judgelingJJL"
"@La__Ley I count 1 bad journalist. Pls dare that cowardly fat ass to provoke your local radical Muslims. He wanted to be famous, after all."
"Lost in the KD fiasco: his public official status and a newspaper's \"media\" status are irrelevant. Free speech is for \"regular people\" too."
"\"I can't think of one ... positive effect. Usually, they only served to [#]escalate the conflict.\" #HeIsStillConfused\n"
"Actually, @capgaznews, your county's largest law firm is DLA Piper, but you're too chickenshit to grouse about them.\n"
"RT @judgelingJJL: Not only do I agree with #KirbyDelauter, but I will sign his order enjoining all you harassing little maggot shits! http:…"
"@APkristenwyatt @remawriter @pwoodreporter Invasion of privacy! Just ask Lori Michelle Sondervan, et al. Also… BFM?"
"I wonder if @WesAdams2014 knows Mary Virginia Miles and Michelle Dawn Smith are also @anneleitess's top prosecutors.\n"
"My resolution is for \"#judgeling\" to appear in a reported appellate opinion, or perhaps Black's 11th ed. Here's to long harassing documents."
"WTF, @AACOSHERIFF? I'll bet Lori Michelle Sondervan wants to argue non-service now. Too bad her incompetent child esquire waived that too."
"Is this like Evil Tom's cowardice not publishing letters? Sony is a for-profit company. Sound familiar, @capgaznews?\n"
"That's right, Evil Tom. When Landmark said, \"GTFO the Edtior's Desk,\" you should have listened better. Hartley's worked to break his habits!"
"Why don't you warn the community about newspaper subscription scams, @BenW_TheCapital? Youse even do it door-to-door.\n"
"Maybe the COSA is consolidating 988, ST13 and the record correction in 2281, ST13? Then Eric Thomas Hartley can lose twice in one appeal."
"Thank you, @baltimoresun. I've often wondered whether PG County is an improper venue for suing the shit out of you."
"Improper ad damnum clause!\nVenue problem!\nBattery SoL!\nPunitive damages for negligence?\n\nBFM?"
"I wonder if 988, ST13 is taking so long because they're examining my \"filing criminal perjury charges, with intent to harass\" in 2281, ST13."
"@AnneArundelSAO Did you know… it is against the law to solicit a fact-selective column featuring a lying, bipolar drunkard. No? Stay tuned."
"An example of the District Court of Maryland acting without jurisdiction. #ShitOpinion #IneffectivePublicDefenders"
"Evil Tom \"couldn't resist buying a can of pinot noir while standing at the counter[.]\" That was 5 shots of vodka for the drunkard lover."
"The context, Evil Tom, is you hate anti-alcohol advocates and no longer have your Edtior's Desk to target them from.\n"
"@JPLambert You didn't answer mine. Why is @capgaznews incapable of learning from its sins and follies? Don't stop now. #annapolishousing"
"Couldn't @capgaznews learn after the embarrassment that was #CliffordStory? No way.  Just a larger circle jerk this time: #annapolishousing"
"Look, @anneleitess, more superb leadership by example. Doesn't it feel great having his endorsement @AnneArundelSAO?\n"
"The next headline appearing BELOW Eric Hartley's column? \"Police are aiming for 'Zero Deaths.'\" Pull the fucking trigger indeed, Evil Tom."
"From part of the justice system to just us vexatious pro se litigants. @eyeonannapolis #IncrediblyHotNews #OpenSeason"
"You make me fear for my safety, @GustavoArellano. You've been collecting things for decades.\n"
"Now let's talk about slobs, sanctions, and collateral estoppel. They're threatening to sue you also, @eyeonannapolis."
"Evil Tom begging for comments reduced to Steve Shitbag begging for letters. Maybe it's because fuck you @capgaznews.\n"
"First Lori Sondervan thinks @AnneArundelSAO is \"the court.\" Now she thinks she's a member of that office. Why not just admit my allegations?"
"Profits eluding, Eric Thomas Hartley wanted to be famous. Many congratulations to him.\nVery truly yours,\nRich Mirman\n"
"There's no need to be intimidated @anneleitess. Just press your thumb to the palm of your hand, but try not to bleed."
"Anti-Kushner indeed, @GustavoArellano. Even understands profit is more meaningful than growth!\n"
"Now BFM's directly contacting a party (though also co-conspirator) represented by counsel, in violation of MRPC 4.2."
"@AnneArundelSAO Motions for publicity? Restoration of sanity? Skin change operation? Judex delegatus? To kiss my ass? Pray tell, AA Anne!"
"Thank you, BFM, for violating my free speech in furtherance of the Conspiracy, making @capgaznews the only newspaper liable for such a tort."
"Hike your own hike, Feild, but calling it a boring grind that padded your resume is really pissing on the experience:"
"@eyeonannapolis I don't see what this tweet is quoting. Did they delete your comment? Where's 1st Amendment warrior Evil Tom when needed? HA"
"Surprise? @ChiefKevinDavis was appointed by a Democrat spy and joined at the hip with a Cunt exiting @AnneArundelSAO.\n"
"BFM’s 100-page exhibit speaks for itself and it says, “I told you so.” Hope he’s ready for the agony of Conviction.\n"
"That moment Mittelstaedt looked at me to say, “Is he listening at all or is BFM just going to keep running his BFM?”"
"Evidence (emphasis added) supporting a very reasonable belief Lori Sondervan is a drunkard:"
"Peroutka won and you lost, @remawriter. Get over it. You're already going to Hell, so why not concern yourself with more relevant matters?"
"I just checked BFM's blog and read you were #judgeling Lombardi's law clerk, @WesAdams2014. My condolences. Watch many great backroom deals?"
"Was that more fake-crying act, or Blood on Their Hands @capgaznews? Either way, actually, it really doesn’t matter."
"As badly as things went today for BFM against a crazy man, imagine if Zodd wasn't so busy cleaning up after the Slob.\n"
"Doesn't know how to draft affidavits, doesn't know how to draft complaints. BFM Dateline: to Catch a Malpractitioner"
"@eyeonannapolis \"In your face\" / \"Eat my shit\" / \"Go to hell\" / \"My unelectrorighteousosaurus will devour all your empty souls\" @capgaznews"
"@WesAdams2014 Will that smooth transition include continued pursuit of an attorney grievance complaint? MRPC 8.2 is more apt here than 8.4."
"Privately, @WesAdams2014 will never forgive @anneleitess for smearing his father, and Hogan will give her a leg drop before an appointment."
"@lombardpratt @eyeonannapolis @cwellssun Sorry, should have done it like this. BFM Dateline: to Catch a Cyber-Stalker"
"@lombardpratt @eyeonannapolis @cwellssun Cyber-stalking."
"For three days now since the TRO expired I've been substantially and irreparably destroying BFM's reputation. He hasn't done shit. #ehhehehe"
"Interesting how supporters didn't really shift away from @anneleitess; they just walked out on her. @eyeonannapolis"
"@pwoodreporter Cyber-stalker."
"Weathersbee left @AnneArundelSAO because everyone was sick of his crooked henhouse. Deny it now, Anne Cunt Leitess; Clean it wolf-like, Wes."
"@WesAdams2014 leading @anneleitess 56%-44%. Cyber-stalking @eyeonannapolis ready to #escalate. Scribd account = superb idea, @DavidSGingras!"
"The greatest irony of BFM's injunction request? The incompetent child esquire censored an injunction request that was actually thought out."
"I understand our former Commissioner of Corrections, Charlie Sondervan, served in Vietnam. For which side? No idea.\n"
"I saw there's a new TV show: The McCarthys. But now the tweet's spoiled so I'm just going to sue the shit out of them instead, @anneleitess."
"Now I am happy. BFM is already so #hurt he would resort to such desperate chickenshit, and the attorney grievance action hasn't even begun."
"RT @judgelingJJL: I signed this order to help Lori Sondervan with her feelings of guilt. We are dangerous and need mental evaluations! http…"
"RT @judgelingJJL: Get out of my internet, crazy foul-mouthed kids @eyeonannapolis! I banned you at your trial yesterday, you troublesome li…"
"RT @judgelingJJL: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Short, to the point, and respectable. An attorney doing his duty defending his criminal client(s), …"
"RT @judgelingJJL: There's a good chance those other two have Steve Gunn's cock in their mouths, @Steve_Lash. It's up to you to tell the tal…"
"RT @judgelingJJL: How do you think Marquardt feels about this, @pwoodreporter? I'm sure there will be an Our Say and Sunday Profile about #…"
"RT @judgelingJJL: Bet you didn't know it was illegal when you posted my complaint on the Internet, @eyeonannapolis. You've just been enjoin…"
"BFM’s not so happy now. I’ve really pissed him off. So he ventures back to PG Circuit Court in search of #judgeling:"
"BFM felt happy after his client was shot. It got his name in the paper and increased his fame. He's an asshole that way, just like Evil Tom."
"“Again, my unruly tongue, if it were not punished, it would not only set more of you on fire, but it would bolden others to do the like.”"
"My guess is lackey Zak enters his appearance for ghostwriter Bob, then learning how to be a lawyer gets more complicated than ever imagined."
"BFM's already looking into his next career, but unlike La Femme Nikita his dignity and humanity are long cast off."
"Check that. Eric Thomas Hartley's fantasy legal career is making him famous in one way: the loser in reported Maryland appellate opinions."
"Eric Thomas Hartley's aim was off with his famous-law-school-graduate fantasy, but Kushner has an appropriate target:"
"I avoid the @ ethartley tag as I can't contact him, but I never called him Eric Thomas Hartley to avoid hits on \"Eric Hartley.\" #EricHartley"
"Golden Age of Open Season long over, career over, Eric Thomas Hartley—reduced to regular person—can relate (me too):"
"It's pretty bad when even newspapers with no ethics have had enough of Eric Thomas Hartley. Worse still, I haven't:"
"Eric Thomas Hartley wanted to be famous and has a law school education; Kushner has the job opening of his fantasy:"
"Eric Thomas Hartley wanted to be famous. Now he can apply for the job of his dreams and make his unemployment quota:"
"Here's the most revealing piece of information for the MJCS detectives out there: Mittelstaedt never set a try-by date and she runs track 5."
"BFM respectfully requests the Honorable Court take judicial notice I have been stalking and harassing the invisible (wo)man for 100 years."
"I think the exploded pieces of BFM's head are about to spontaneously combust before re-exploding. And then repeat. He calls this a \"reply.\""
"It makes sense not having the courage to sign your name when you're not really the author. Then again… Melinda Rice."
"October surprise for @anneleitess. INDICTMENT: attempted murder, drug kingpin, and sex offenses. Sufficient evidence!"
"BFM's in such denial about his Thomas Marquardtishness he couldn't even repeat my \"Evil Editor\" attack. I told you this was going to #hurt."
"Eric Thomas Hartley viewed Kushner's plan a \"fantasy\" from the start, so @ladailynews did fire him. @GustavoArellano"
"You know a case has somebody's attention when PG Circuit Court is docketing papers in 1-2 days rather than weeks. That's COSA orders' speed."
"“Truth, above all. When a man lies he murders some part of the world.” Time to slay some murderous shitbag esquires."
"Knowing how much stock BFM puts in MJCS lay investigations, it's very unfortunate for him \"memorandum\" is Latin for \"verbose piece of shit.\""
"If anybody is wondering, yes this is me."
"Dear reader:\nThank you for patiently stalking me per my request. Your obsession is rewarded. \"An Ode to Judge Nick.\"\n"
"BFM's in a happy mood now as he anticipates \"payment\" for his \"services.\" Also this libel per se is worth millions."
"@eyeonannapolis This is a lawsuit if he didn't do it. See Restatement, Second, Torts, § 563, comment d; see also the headline @capgaznews."
"What happens when you don’t do your job, Ridgell? The reason attorneys have a bad reputation is because they generally are crooked shitbags."
"“Awaiting reprisal\nDeath will be their acquisition”\n“Stick with me on this thread.”\nI won’t snip it like Evil Tom.\n"
"@GustavoArellano @ocregister Also Eric Thomas Hartley left @ladailynews for unknown reasons in April of last year—not 6 months ago."
"Long live @ocregister! Crime and courts are a newspaper's bread and butter. Watch for a new such reporter appearing soon. @GustavoArellano"
"Come back Eric Thomas Hartley! Don't you enjoy reporting on your own court cases, attorneys who could be disbarred, and mugshots of the day?"
"See how easy it is to disguise evil with proper tone and a smile? Evil Tom couldn't even get the tone part right."
"Was Eric Thomas Hartley fired because he deleted his @ocregister tag, or did he do it knowing he'd be fired? Chicken and the Egg of the King"
"Was @vanessafranko endorsing Worst French Black Metal or Eric Thomas Hartley Ordained to Be Murdered by the God Hand?"
"@vanessafranko Sorry, follows do equal endorsement, even if you unfollow afterward. Ask your law school educated friend about republication."
"Why don't BFM's \"exhibits\" include the Renee Lee letter? Why doesn't he (s)talk about Sondervan's medical records? Consciousness of guilt!"
"I just hole-punched and filed BFM's 50 pages of \"exhibits\" and had an epiphany. Holy shit, this is just like in In re Vincent! #Ehhhehehe"
"Good to see BFM finally calm down some. “Duel nationals” know to never take anything personally, just like Evil Tom."
"@GustavoArellano My attorney does have a good story about someone who dressed in drag to evade process but gave up the pretense when caught."
"All this carnage must make Evil Tom feel like he's being forced to watch his daughters' rape and murder. Well, that's always been the idea!"
"@GustavoArellano Eric Thomas Hartley gave a false name when I had him served process. My attorney had never seen that before in 30 years."
"Eric Thomas Hartley fled west \"for love and a job.\" Now he's lost two and his love could marry another man at the drop of a hat. @pierceall"
"Yes, Eric Thomas Hartley, you moved to... oh just go ahead and kill yourself already before I do (legally in court)."
"@DavidSGingras @nikrichie This is malpractice. You don't even need CDA immunity for this one. Right, BFM? (BFM is my ever present stalker.)"
"Congratulations, BFM, you've shamed me into changing my stalking Twitter feed. Why didn't I do so sooner? Must be that blasted demon baby."
"Just saw TV's Judge Mablean berate witnesses for testifying to conclusions. She could give #judgeling Thomas V. Miller III a benchslapping."
"The only way Lori Michelle Sondervan killing herself would interest me now is if it also led Eric Thomas Hartley or Evil Tom to do the same."
"@eyeonannapolis @pwoodreporter \"Benchslap\" was introduced by Black's Law Dictionary with the new 10th edition.   :)"
"Ok ok, BFM. I now understand I ask too much of you. Please at least try to calm down just a wee willy bit. Smashing."
"Here's something that might help BFM calm down a bit:\n"
"\"I told you once. I will have my own kingdom. Nothing has changed.\"\n"
"@MissConductMD @anneleitess Did he raise his mental health as a defense? I did wonder how testimony about guns around other people came in."
"Yes, Eric Thomas Hartley, you left LADN just for this. And a longer commute. What's that? It wasn't your choice? Good!"
"Surprise, surprise. Mrs. Richardson suddenly doesn't give a shit about AA County anymore. Bye bye Fake Publisher Pat:"
"Does BFM know Rule 1-341 applies to proceedings, which is broader than pleadings? The education is not complete, and it's going to #hurt."
"@anneleitess When I told Michelle Dawn Smith I wasn't under the care or treatment of a psychiatrist, that wasn't false. Geremia is a LCSW."
"Why doesn't BFM put one of his non-party \"Associates\" on the case? That should be cheaper, as in zero billable hours."
"Anarchist @anneleitess's crooked henhouse destroyed Lori Michelle Sondervan's life, and they're not done victimizing."
"This is funny. \"Homicide\" includes the Walker and Pinkerton cases. Exploit your dead shitbags better, @anneleitess!"
"\nInteresting there's a punishment specific to poison. I considered this drafting my complaint:"
"A mechanism to resolve PIA disputes? Only Eric Hartley? Law school education? Scared shitless @capgaznews? Sanctions?"
"When Evil Tom assures my lawsuit was dismissed but then says he can't talk about it, there's a reason. He also said @capgaznews was healthy."
"No meds and no jail, Miller, but my bullets are words. I see Evil Tom's Merrill shotgun and raise you, and you sure deserve to be bothered."
"Mass shootings cannot happen anywhere, @ChiefKevinDavis. For example: 2000 Capital Drive. No one left there to shoot."
"I'm glad @anneleitess finally blocked me. It says she's worried about losing her seat @AnneArundelSAO and I've helped it happen. HAH, Feldt!"
"Speaking of exploiting an opponent's words, did I ever mention BCM has a big fucking mouth? BCM's BFM—it's got more than his foot into this."
"@pwgphoto @capgaznews Surprised to see that Landmark lackey, Fake Publisher Pat, still there. What's her function now? Taking Padden's job?"
"@pwgphoto She called @washingtonpost a local paper. \"Powerful people doing shady stuff, don't want to be caught\"? @capgaznews can fuck off."
"Rest in pieces, glee in the newsroom. Your perpetrators will be joining you in hell, and that's not just Judge Nick."
"Sensationalism @capgaznews doesn't prove malice, or even falsity, but is worth punitive damages, whomsoever owns you."
"@anneleitess Dogs also roll in their own shit."
"@anneleitess and @ChiefKevinDavis have been indicted for bad leadership of the men and women in blue. @pwoodreporter\n"
"@pwoodreporter Steve Shitbag sure doesn't dictate editorial policy to @baltimoresun. Here's to our remaining strong:"
"Foley and Sotloff are not dead (yet). Journalists making a living (literally) by participating in propaganda is nothing new. Think about it."
"Today's Arundel Report @capgaznews brought to you by AP offices in Cleveland, Phoenix and Waldo, FL. Local, local, local! #CapDeathWatch"
"I’ll say this for BCM: he's an idiot asshole, but at least he read my complaint in CAL12-22839—more than slob #judgeling Lamasney ever did."
"@DavidSGingras I find suing the shit out of you and said client while simultaneously having your license on a platter to be more productive."
"$2.4M: $100k shy of their first libel jury verdict @capgaznews, 15 years ago with no historic evidence. #perspectives"
"What was the donation insensitive to besides @ChiefKevinDavis's posturing for @anneleitess? \"Our Say\" should say it!"
"With his law school education Eric Thomas Hartley should understand summary judgment is not dismissal. Then again, his old attorney doesn't."
"Suck it again, Foer. At speed limit plus 10 I am still your master. Distance calculations sure trump whining columns!"
"FB sees those sick fucks @capgaznews hiding behind fake names. Eric Thomas Hartley wanted to be famous, so doubly so."
"I’m not trying to \"chill\" your representation, BCM. I’m trying to end it—permanently and in all cases, until you return to vexatious pro se."
"@DavidSGingras @nikrichie I only see one removal request. Hopefully if it was granted you also identified the information content provider."
"@DavidSGingras Are you sure the prohibition applies when counsel has only been licensed since 2004? @HymanLaw may know something you don't."
"P.S. — Congratulations on entering the jurisdiction of Baltimore City @capgaznews. Did you know Tanko is reinstated and facing more charges?"
"Yes, Steve Shitbag, you bought a house in Annapolis just for this. Feel bad for living, and fuck you. @eyeonannapolis"
"Look who has the support of the fair community and isn't afraid of public comment, @anneleitess. You're in his chair."
"Does BCM think my “filing perjury charges against Lori Michelle Sondervan, with intent to harass” is a private fact?"
"@anneleitess Ginny Miles took a sick girl to try a case to a newspaper reporter, and so now it's still far from over."
"@anneleitess \"Dear Members of the Bar: She is respected and trusted by the members of our bar\"? Not one signer realized how stupid that is?"
"Can't remain strong, Steve Shitbag? Why interject toxic negativity into a feel-good-community piece?\nP.S. — Fuck you.\n"
"Attorneys can incur liability despite qualified privilege by:\n1. Being an idiot asshole.\n2. Acting with knowledge of fraud.\n3. Malpractice."
"Why are they so obsessed with Peroutka @capgaznews? Come time he's elected they'll just be a Baltimore Sun mini-page insert. #CapDeathWatch"
"Motion for Idiot Asshole Attorney to Up His Game? Granted: Vincent is good too, plus he lost."
"Clogging up the courts: idiot asshole attorneys who only appeal because they promised a newspaper reporter and then never even file a brief."
"I've heard your sigh on 4/4/13, BCM. Renewed upset blogging and attempts to project confidence are futile. #LikeISaid"
" Must have been Bob or his transvestite wife. They are only now aware @capgaznews. Local, local, local! #CapDeathWatch"
"I have proof BCM, my big-mouthed stalker, advocates stalking. But that's not why everyone thinks he's the biggest asshole they've ever met."
"In honor of the threatening, vexatious, obsessed BLOG by my big-mouthed stalker, I hereby declare John G. Turnbull Jr. a #judgeling (Ret)."
"@GustavoArellano Does Eric Hartley still have a job? Hard to think he's on vacation just after two weeks of furlough."
"BCM's not very persuasive when he threateningly cites a case the alleged vexatious pro se litigant won. #hehehe Don't worry; more will come."
"Oh no, BCM's going to piece together this page to build a damning record. I should probably delete this account and claim his copies forged."
"@VZWSupport Evil Tom's evil twin (BCM) is an evil Comcast customer! But he's not fixable, so just wish me well as I sue the shit out of him."
"Thanks for the advice BCM, but at $400 for one hour I'd rather pay my Verizon bill for the next 7+ months. Now how do you reduce the former?"
"What happened to Kathy \"Mind Eraser\" Miller’s Oasis? Here’s my not-so-special request: stay fucking tuned. #therapist"
"Like I said @AnneArundelSAO, legal fucking purpose:\nAnd it's far too late for cooperation now."
"@eyeonannapolis @ccbiii2000 @capgaznews 3 years mandatory minimum guideline under PA law! #OpenSeason #OurSayIdeas"
"@anneleitess, @DougGansler, DJawor \"once again have no idea what [I'm] talking about.\" Probably need to be served a fourth copy of my brief."
"@anneleitess But what about all those convictions by Mr. McKenna's Mickey Mouse Court you've provoked me to expose as without jurisdiction?"
"Blogger's block breakers for BCM:\n1. Statues of limitations and the discovery rule.\n2. The potential pitfalls of pissing on professionalism."
"I can't believe they published this @capgaznews. @anneleitess, here's your next \"victim\" of a self defense killing:"
"@anneleitess Jurisdictional Jokers who made me the next Unger. And after those flood gates are open, @WesAdams2014 gets to swim in the mess."
"@BowieBladeNews Steve Shitbag says your website is focused on Anne Arundel and Annapolis? Bowie, Bowie, Bowie! Neither!\nP.S. — Zero comments"
"Those Rocky sequels also got a bad rap, but I Say: look at part 2 and tell me those prescient themes don't survive."
"Congratulations, Steve Shitbag: you're still you! Remain strong, keep up the errors, cut more content, and fuck you."
"@SenatorBarb You pissed on that heritage associating with \"thought leader\" Evil Tom. He believes in lies, targets, and glee in the newsroom."
"If BCM’s client delayed fleeing the state so he could challenge venue, hear girlish fake laughter breaking his ribs:"
"I still lick my lips at this one and the resulting blood gushing from Evil Tom's brand: the genesis of zero comments."
"They are scared shitless of lawsuits @capgaznews. Don't publish an \"Our Say\" if you don't want comments, assholes."
"I feel there should be a federal probe into whether Judge Wachs let #Walker go to the jury for fear of a federal probe. Public rally afoot."
"@anneleitess I'm not saying there's probable cause of perjury, just that you should get an indictment anyway. Because that is what you do."
"At least @anneleitess used the dead shitbag's lying shitbag friend to get the case to the jury this time. She should indict on perjury too."
"@DavidSGingras \"I have conducted legal research on this issue.\" I sympathize, but the Internet does have one benefit: improved Shepardizing."
"For the record, I don't only gripe about judges who find against me. To wit: Goetzke misapplying Rule 5-106 on 5/1/12 was fucking abusive."
"My apologies to the commissioner who released me on 3/5/13, but not the unprofessional #judgeling Miller and Evil Tom's evil twin, AKA: BCM."
"@TimPrudente1 Two weeks later I surrendered myself to @AACOPD, @AACOSHERIFF—the only professionals I met that day."
"@TPratt_Capital More shit reporting. People should know how Pidel explained getting out of the car and approaching an armed man \"to fight.\""
"Blog for BCM Pro Tips:\n1. Spambots can't exempt you from zero comments status.\n2. Apologize for not writing in a while (just like Evil Tom)."
"Electing @WesAdams2014 could quite possibly lead to the filing of perjury charges, of which BCM's client is guilty and never faced jeopardy."
"@eyeonannapolis Is today's A10 @capgaznews tomorrow's full-page ad in their print version as well? Too soon to cut \"Our Say\"? #CapDeathWatch"
"I'm sure that personal property is just antipsychotics. BCM is propsychotic. Wait, I'm confused. Woah. #420Associates"
"Bob : Zak :: BCM : Puff the Magic Dragon, lives on West Street. He litigates aggressively (it's a great big fantasy)\n"
"Congratulations @BowieBladeNews on making front page Top Story @capgaznews! The unelectrorighteousosaurus has nothing on you! #CapDeathWatch"
"Evil Tom says: Welcome to half of AA County, assholes. Total population: 9. Total integrity: 0. (Evil Tom denies knowing what an asshole is)"
"@remawriter @elishasauers Peroutka also said the dinosaur eats electricity. Shame on youse for missing that. #HotNews"
"Remember they do it for the victims @capgaznews. (It: frivolous defense thru protracted legal proceeding in lieu of cheap, quiet settlement)"
"Today BCM feels the same way Bob felt on March 29, 2013. How does Bob feel today? BCM is going to find out the same way. #SeriousTrouble"
"It's not your place, so shut the fuck up @capgaznews. Peroutka's columns don't get the pickled shit sued out of him."
"Ironic to see BCM blog about unfair and illegal business advantage. Not so as to his spoliage, which is just like Evil Tom. #SeriousTrouble"
"@anneleitess Please explain to your victim, Felicia Carroll, a jury is the defendant's right—not yours—and Rule 4-324 is not \"injustice.\""
"\"We\" who? McCarthyism: big mouths make a big racket before falling into disfavor, censure, dying in drunken disgrace."
"Four pages missing: more errant pre-publication @capgaznews. At least they got the paper out at all. #CapDeathWatch"
" This is excellent, the best writing I've seen @capgaznews. And so the fake watchdogs remain my sworn blood enemies."
"Bad reporters' newspaper errors are forever; personal Verizon websites are not. Here's to community: tech over rags."
"I say, I'll bet BCM's blog dries up just like Evil Tom's pussy when facing the idea of not hiding behind \"we\" (just like with BCM). #hehehe"
"I'm sure Crapital e-readers are thrilled Bowie's alert system gets an upgrade and Bowie officials hope for smoother traffic. #CapDeathWatch"
"@eyeonannapolis Forget Sunday comics; where's the Saturday NEWSPAPER @capgaznews? \"Sign of the times\"! #CapDeathWatch\n"
"Attempted murderer Bendu in another altered state of mind, scoping @anneleitess's, @WesAdams2014's, @AACOPD's backs:"
"BCM invited my comment on his blog. Then he said \"go away\" and now he gets zero comments, just like Evil Tom. #hehehe"
"BCM has a funny way (insert girlish, fake laughter) of showing he doesn't want the shit sued out of him. Funnier still, now he knows I know."
"Dear Client:\nResistance is not futile. We—I'm sorry—*I* regret the er… Oh shit on all of that! Picard's in our head:"
"@eyeonannapolis Today's e-edition is still absent @capgaznews. It's about time for a breach of contract class action claim. #CapDeathWatch"
"@eyeonannapolis Bowie Blade pieces infesting the website @capgaznews, their Sunday e-edition had no comics. Layoffs looming. #CapDeathWatch"
"@TPratt_Capital Post your shit story already. It may not be Bowie Blade-News quality, but @anneleitess appreciates your front page rag-shit."
"Here's one more that double taps close to home. How else is Bob going to escape with his job, freedom, or marriage?"
"@anneleitess So you don't mind prosecuting with insufficient evidence! What do you think of"
"Highlight of the Knight: Bob thought the Slob dismissed the Blob for good, for Esquires don't know what they're doing in an appellate court."
"What's with all the Bowie stories now making the front page @capgaznews? Cutting content like @ocregister? Why not lay off 100 people too?"
"Don't try plotting an ambush when you're already dead, Bob. I just sniped your empty heart, so I suggest breaking your wife's other ankle."
"If Sgt. Shirley has any honor left, I remind the Esq. his duty to disclose fraud even transcends hanging his bad clients. MRPC 3.3, cmt. 7."
"Eric Thomas Hartley not knowing Rule 8-431? Inexcusable. He got a law school education and even wrote a column about prosecuting an appeal."
"It wouldn't surprise me that Bob doesn't know Rule 8-431. Here's to his untimely response and the Court's ruling crossing paths once again."
"@RScottMoxley @danielvalentine It was rejected for no filing fee, making Eric Thomas Hartley 0-4 and his CA career move not so helpful. #Duh"
"@DavidSGingras Did you delete those tweets to feel less foolish? I represent myself and am not even an attrorney, but play one in real life."
"I don't go to the dog park to socialize—I go to the dog park's FB page to socialize—unless I'm drunk or there's beer. Any help, @DolemiteGK?"
"@RScottMoxley @rlongwith Speaking of trouble, did you see Eric Thomas Hartley? How's his health?"
"@GustavoArellano @ocregister My name, his life. AKA defamation"
"@GustavoArellano @ocregister I also can't ask why he left LADN last year, but really wish I could. He might have been fired. Or hypnotized."
"@GustavoArellano [at]ethartley removed his @ocregister tag on Saturday. I can't ask because I'm also suing him. #glee"
"@GustavoArellano Kushner either doesn't understand revenue vs. profit, or is basically operating a ponzi scheme that's stuck in phase one."
"Eric Thomas Hartley finally found a lawsuit he can win. Helpful CA career move ⇒ 1-4. @RScottMoxley @danielvalentine"
"@anneleitess You'd know about unprofessional-advocate allies. Did your cohort also argue the defendant looks like James \"the Joker\" Holmes?"
"Eric Thomas Hartley's first vague and mysterious tweet ever. Seeking guidance? An answer: do it now; report to Hell."
"Hello, Eric Thomas Hartley. I want to play a game. It's called \"go fuck yourself.\" If you survive, your test begins."
"The death watch of kings marches on. \"9 a.m. this Monday, [oh yes,] there will be blood in the OC Register newsroom.\""
"@robcurley Sorry for calling Eric Thomas Hartley your bad reporter. Looks like as of today he's fired, laid off, or furloughed. Fuck him."
"@robcurley I think your bad reporter is sharing malware with his buddies @capgaznews. @EHartley70 isn't really him."
"Bad news for Capital-Gazette Communications, Inc. and Robert Cochrane Douglas:"
"One week later, still feels good properly calling #judgeling Lamasney unconsidered, unprofessional and ignorant before the COSA. #TheWayItIs"
"BCM knows a thing—at least two, actually—about relationships that do not exist. Who is \"we\"? #SickosLeadingTheSickos"
"Last week's Sunday e-edition @capgaznews was missing for most of the day. Who saw? Another big hint they shouldn't count e-subs as \"reach.\""
"Has there ever been a COSA case where a reported opinion was assured before the appellant even filed a brief? Shit your pants, ET & JabbaTH."
"@anneleitess He broke his jaw shaving? If this picture is clear you need to be shot in the face (by the curative blast of an opthamologist)."
"@BaltSunBrk @pwoodreporter Doesn't add up. How does @AnneArundelSAO not charge 1st degree murder when he shows up after 6 weeks with a gun?"
"@TPratt_Capital They didn't charge 1st deg, so the victim pulled the gun. Why would an @AnneArundelSAO mouthpiece report that? @Rawlyk_Stone"
"@TPratt_Capital Such shit reporting. He killed his ex's ex. Was there really no testimony why he brought a gun or how he ended up with one?"
"@eyeonannapolis Legum or Caroom? Was it prettier than this abominable new Twitter layout? Giant thumbnails and pinkienails and buried info."
"@TPratt_Capital \"Closing arguments are set to take place Wednesday\"? It sounded like they had already began. Be very careful, Tim. See you."
"Time to school a super shit attorney who's really just a criminally overpaid lobbyist."
"I didn't know there were more layoffs. Let's see if I can help accelerate this. \"Fire Eric Hartley.\" Sound familiar?"
"\"Day of Retribution\" guy reminds me of till he Takes It repetitive Dark Knight at the end. Was that all deliberate?"
"@capgaznews Just admit you got hacked and everyone's info, CC#, FB acct. is compromised. You are a shitty, worthless, nuisance company. Die."
"@eyeonannapolis Fake Publisher Pat's column was bullshit. @capgaznews didn't warn us about this at all. #ReturnOfAPT1"
"The real question, E.T.: Does indenting and italics constitute a bold enough move to compensate for your lack of courage to sign your name?"
"\"Let this Court’s opinion reflect one theme of this case: [Honorable slob #judgeling Lamasney], clean up your act!\" #LikeDefendantLikeJurist"
"Suck it, #judgeling Lamasney. Congratulations to Chief Judge Krauser on being the first jurist to observe what's been filed in CAL12-22839."
"I’m not glad Eric Thomas Hartley didn’t compare Dave Cordish to a Star Wars character. It’s not admissible evidence."
"Evil Tom has been pondering the subject of having the courage to sign his name. That's just one reason TM is wrong."
"Evil Tom says: \"Happy Mother's Day, lesbian freaks. I bailed out of the fire, but will nevertheless see you in Hell.\""
"This is how Bob argues on Twitter. Bob doesn’t argue on Facebook. There is no evidence Bob even has a Facebook. EST: Bob is a tweeting fool."
"This is how Evil Tom goes from multiple brains to half a brain, and yet still without the courage to sign his name."
"If @DavidSGingras loses like this, the SCOTUS definitely won't grant cert. The upside for him? An unreported opinion."
"@DavidSGingras Did \"freaks in the sack\" come into evidence without a 105 limiting instruction? The appellee doesn't have to claim anything."
"@DavidSGingras On appeal you've waived all issues but CDA immunity, and you can't show the jury's verdict wasn't for \"freaks in the sack.\""
"@DavidSGingras I heard that, but can you waive a verdict? You also argued \"freaks in the sack\" was opinion, but it's too late for that now."
"@DavidSGingras @marcorandazza Do you disagree with my other tweet? Since Bulldog missed that it's up to the Court to spot it on its own."
"@marcorandazza @DavidSGingras That wouldn't explain his inability to pronounce \"appellee.\" Sarah Jones could have done a better job herself."
"@DavidSGingras You could lose because Nik's statements were lumped in and you didn't get a clear jury verdict. #FreaksInTheSackFTW ♥Waivers♥"
"What do you think of Fake Publisher Pat's column today @eyeonannapolis? What if I said she already ran the same spiel?"
"Of all the people wondering if they're going to get the axe @capgaznews, I think Bob should be most worried of all. Integrity @baltimoresun?"
"Does BSMG know it purchased a company subject to criminal prosecution? See edtiors #FFTS(job)."
"Like I said, @DougGansler, you won't believe how it ends. Why didn't obsessed Jawor try that with me? #ShitOpinion"
"Shit opinion, COSA: Now #judgeling Lamasney should (but won't) be pleased to see me turned pro bono public defender."
"If Eric Thomas Hartley thinks Journalist Hell can’t endure delay, the trial judge from a pig vat can’t save him now."
"No conjugal visits for Judge Nick, but he doesn’t have to continue on the path of righteousness alone. #IncrediblyHot"
"A case about \"filing criminal perjury charges, with intent to harass\" is being reviewed by the COSA. The record is silent as to disposition."
"According to #judgeling Lamasney, the COSA was established to (1) reduce the caseload of the MD Court of Appeals and (2) do her job for her."
"Checks and balances, @DougGansler. OSP is decapitator of you and @anneleitess. @AnneArundelSAO doesn't police itself."
"This could be a much needed opportunity, but for the whole bipolar drunkard leading a double life on Facebook thing."
"The A2 strip @capgaznews is different. Just obituaries? Nope. Mail subscription went from $307 to $424/yr. Feeling stronger, Steve Shitbag?"
"@eyeonannapolis \"Two people familiar with the matter\" speak now but not sooner? Don't let (absence of) facts get in the way of a good story."
"DWYER at it again! Why doesn't he listen? When will he learn? #OMG #trainwreck @capgaznews @MDGazette @eyeonannapolis\n"
"How can you still doubt me, Mr. McKenna? Remember when I sued you and you cried to the State? Just shit your robes come the COSA's opinion."
"@elishasauers Are you embarrassed #CliffordStory was Sunday's lead, this was advertised, and you only tweeted with colleagues for 90 mins.?"
"Dear Judge Lamasney,\nThink you can get your reversal dismissed? Go to hell.\nVery truly yours,\nJarrod W. Ramos \nP.S. But thanks for the bait."
"Zak, are you suggesting I bring additional counts for a lawyer engaging in misconduct, lying? Tell Bob I said that sounds like a great idea."
"Pages A8 & 9—the bulk of their lead story—still missing from Sunday e-edition @capgaznews. Big hint they shouldn't count e-subs as \"reach.\""
"Didn't think Bob would try another motion to dismiss, so as to avoid appearing desperate. Just what level is he thinking on? #ChurnBabyChurn"
"Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt, especially on reviewable record."
"Having a bad day? Abuse your dog, drink to feel better! 1 person likes this. I'm talking about @JPLambert, of course."
"I wonder if Bob thinks #judgeling Lamasney even read his piece of shit motion to dismiss during the two weeks before she called the hearing."
"Is it just me, or are there fewer ads on the website @capgaznews? Good move with the paywall and Facebook commenting."
"Slob Lamasney quickly dismissed me then said she was sorry I had to wait so long. One year later, Catholicism still says liars go to hell."
"Business model failing @ocregister, most of Eric Thomas Hartley's e-articles are now free. “Complementary” became the ones nobody can see."
"The court's order of dismissal cannot withstand review, the #judgeling knows this, and trying to hinder me just makes an even uglier record."
"The Columbia shooter heard voices. I’ve been falsely and repeatedly accused of “threatening to tell people about the ‘real me.’” #sickos"
"With #judgeling Lamasney’s continued help, Judge Nick just may be out of prison before I’m done getting her reversed."
"@AnneArundelSAO What's it like referring to yourself in the third person, AA Anne? I can only go so far as Plaintiff, Appellant, etc. #sicko"
"I could apologize for not tweeting in several days, but unlike Evil Tom's new wine blog this site isn't a rouse with zero readers… or is it?"
"I wonder if Lamasney is aware of any case law involving a Maryland appellate court making factual findings to disqualify a judge. I’m not."
"@TJSmithAACoPD Speaking of whimsical charges, don't you agree @AnneArundelSAO should be calling Officer Symchay Bendu an attempted murderer?"
"@TJSmithAACoPD False imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and ♥Md. Declaration of Rights Art. 40♥."
"\"I see a man on a wire, with millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs at stake.\" See also Liar on Fire; Life at Stake"
"One year ago Shaem Spencer issued an ex parte peace order to a potentially convicted perjurer. She brought it up; he didn’t ask. #judgelings"
"It's a great shame—COSA-established fact they are assholes @capgaznews—only just got its second citation in case law."
"Just a small space distinguishes therapists from the rapists. What might lead them across that line? Their obsession."
"Sunday decline accelerated to 1500, but daily distribution grew by 800 @capgaznews? Just like you're reducing errors."
"The COSA giveth, and the COSA taketh away. And in the end of the COSA ye shall see, here's to giving 'till it #hurts."
"@AnneArundelSAO \"[T]he unit of prosecution for e-mail harassment, prior to the 2012 amendment, was each e-mail sent.\""
"Thanks for the laugh, @DougGansler. Why is your Assistant, Jawor, so obsessed with me? You won't believe how it ends."
"Here's how full of shit Kathy Miller's Oasis is: 10 years after opening they still rely on fake testimonials and copy-and-pasted salespitch."
"Kathy Miller's Oasis, much like @capgaznews, is first and foremost a profit venture. Watch now their books bleed red."
"\"@AnneArundelSAO: Now we're going to walk outside. Come on with me and I'll—you can talk to …\"\nMore talk, less stalk."
"Edtior @capgaznews e-mails thousands, writes column describing flood of concern from the \"community.\" Zero comments:"
"Say hello to APT1 @capgaznews. America's oldest newspaper, decadent and myopic, rightfully fucked from near and far:"
"Submitted on brief with no input from @DougGansler. Maybe I haven't pleaded anything. Maybe scrupulous judges read what I wrote? Stay tuned."
"Is it good litigation strategy to apply for a peace order before suing the shit out of someone(s)? They're stalking me via my Twitter feed."
"Correction: the problem wasn't misstated evidence, but sandbagging in discovery. Quite consistent nonetheless! No, I'd never forge anything."
"DLA Piper scored after that motion for judgement didn't stand up. The lesson was not complete. ♥ the smell of misstating the evidence! ♥ it!"
"Shut up. Much better to channel a client's malice, which on clear and convincing evidence supports punitive damages."
"Correction: sometimes a judge's grounds for dismissal do make appellate difference, perhaps as self-impeachment or negating a presumption."
"@TPratt_Capital Here's to 20 source citations in 18 sentences. But how do your bosses guard against lying when they are frauds themselves?"
"Evil Tom's too poor for great Burgundy now. Guess he'll have to lose that million-dollar waterfront home. Feel the raging flames once again."
"What now, @capgaznews? Bob's no good at appellate briefing, and Glen Allen might #hurt his career. Or is he branching into criminal defense?"
"AA District Court says I just don't get it. Guess it wouldn't be a new year without a little (or lot of) #escalating."
"@AnneArundelSAO And now, like Hartley, I am going to murder (or just #hurt) those ASAs as permitted by law—to wit, in court. #♥6thAmendment♥"
"RT @AnneArundelSAO: Did you know the @AnneArundelSAO is on #Facebook? Help us reach 400 likes!"
"@AnneArundelSAO Does she also teach them perjury is encouraged since you won't prosecute? Here's to serious trouble."
"Is it ironic Mr. McKenna would piss on due process to fuck with an action based on a breach of due process? No! That's what #judgelings do."
"@capgaznews left out the one AA public figure who went to state prison, @Lundskow_CapGaz. This truth #hurts too much!"
"Please, Evil Tom. We both know your new wine blog is just to cover for the destruction of the old one. I'm your only reader since week two!"
"I’ll bet bobble-headed #judgeling Lamasney accepted “God is on my side” as a valid argument from that lady during the 2-hour in banc review."
"After a reprieve, the doubled danger of reported defaults is back on the table. Bad faith and misguided priorities aren't just @capgaznews!"
"I break them down, for even the walls of Jericho fell. Like I said Frank @AnneArundelSAO, this war is just beginning."
"Quiz: What's the relation?\n2-0 : 0-2 :: Jarrod W. Ramos : Eric Thomas Hartley\nHint: Making a public example.\nAnswer: Reported COSA opinions."
"If my tweets were paragraphs of a complaint, they would lead by reasonable inference to the legal conclusion that Lamasney is a #judgeling."
"I'd heard Lamasney is a slob, but didn't believe she's actually stupid. And now—like I said—a mockery. Congrats, Bob."
"Like I said, fuck your 2014 @capgaznews. Your #1 goal is now to avoid losing issue #2.\nP.S. — Fuck your 2015 also."
"Now that Lamasney's finally back from lunch, I can let Bob know a judge's grounds for dismissal don't make one bit of appellate difference."
"I was a “rules lawyer” in my Raw Deal days. Now that I’m a “wannabe attorney” I know the rules better than lawyers, clerks, and #judgelings."
"I'm flattered you've devoted over $300K of ad space to the A2 strip @capgaznews, but not near good enough. Why not? Because fuck you is why."
"Fuck your 2014 @capgaznews. Spellchecking also comes too late, Steve Shitbag.\nP.S. — Fuck you."
"@eyeonannapolis Any news left @Lundskow_CapGaz? Has @AnneArundelSAO declared \"insufficient evidence\" yet? Uninquiring minds wanted to know."
"I’ve been told Mr. McKenna once found a defendant guilty because a State’s witness reminded him of a “little Abraham Lincoln.” #judgelings"
"Highlight of the Knight: called \"a wannabe attorney\" by a Mickey Mouse clerk for not using her beloved form to note an appeal. #judgelings"
"I \"just don't get it,\" Miller? Your boss carried on with a blatant conflict of interest after the Circuit Court recused itself. #judgelings"
"I'll take this as a \"yes,\" which makes @DolemiteGK one of two things (assuming the default doesn't happen). Brew on."
"@DolemiteGK Do you know who else retweeted the one @fredbecnel did? It says 2 retweets. I have a real good idea, but didn't get the memo."
"When I said \"one bitch off the hook\" that did not include Lee, Kathy Miller or @fredbecnel's company. As for follower @DolemiteGK ... ?? WTF"
"Fucking brilliant, Nik. After you've been arguing all this time that all the authorities disagree with Bertelsman, J."
"Pressure is mounting, but this direct request is clearly unreasonable. A $5 police report is a far better bargain."
"Surely everyone agrees losing Judge Nick was a huge improvement. Too bad you were late on the trigger, Steve Shitbag."
"We passed our try-by date, @capgaznews, but at least now you too have \"prepared for over a year.\" \"[T]hus prejudicing Defendants\"? That too!"
"McKenna continued, and now he joins them. He also did not return a tweet for comment. Go watchdogs @capgaznews, @eyeonannapolis! #OpenSeason"
"@DougGansler Comment why you're now defending judicial misconduct? @ABC7news @nbcwashington"
"It started like this down a slippery slope, (ir)responsible for the (mis)conduct of a court, Dishonor be thy name."
"Ensuing lies and recklessness @AnneArundelSAO + @capgaznews? The genesis of serious trouble and Blood on Their Hands."
"Now that I know there’s a sealed court order (hi Mr. McKenna) in my *medical* records, that’s one bitch off the hook."
"I spent all week practicing my fake-crying act, Mr. Ritter. At least after you finally rip my head off I'll have real things to cry about."
"Mr. McKenna is demonstrably corrupt, so a visiting judge gets my \"trial\" today. They dare not touch @capgaznews. Interested @eyeonannapolis?"
"Deciding issue if @VotePantelides won? Declining subscription and circulation rates @capgaznews. It's not just @DelegateDwyer not listening!"
"I'll bet Mr. McKenna doesn't know a Motion to Revise filed within 10 days of judgement counts as a Motion to Amend for appellate purposes."
"Eric Thomas Harltey suing [the shit out of] public officials: 0-1. Me? 1-0. Next up: reported COSA opinions. I'll even spot him counsel."
"That moment when a Joker sees the Killjoy and realizes a legal purpose and serious trouble aren't mutually exclusive."
"I held hope for a shred of integrity at AA District Court, but OAG doesn't defend judicial misconduct and Mr. McKenna needs private counsel."
"Just inquired of a District Court clerk about 4A00231396, who didn't need to consult a supervisor for 15 minutes before answering. #progress"
"Wondering which reported court victory by default I'll reach first: against @capgaznews or @AnneArundelSAO + @anneleitess + @DougGansler."
"Nothing like trying to erase your semi-permanent statements with full warning and knowledge you are going to get the shit sued out of you."
"Lawyer Suspended for Misconduct? It's coming back @capgaznews. Now shut the fuck up; you don't really believe this:"
"@AnneArundelSAO Pretty shady when your public office is highlighting your leader's nonpublic Twitter account. #ManyHands #OldBoys #OldGirls"
"Dancing with default by fucking around at inappropriate times? Are the \"watchdogs\" @capgaznews really one to lecture?"
"Now that's leadership by example. Are you going to follow suit @AnneArundelSAO? Nobody's protecting anything, right?"
"Another observation: when a minor turns adult, it's Open Season to victimize the shit out of them. Sort of a reverse-Judge Nick kind of law."
"No legal purpose exemption means somebody fighting child bullies will violate Grace's Law. Good thing I'm only suing the shit out of adults."
"@anneleitess Did they ask if Ginny Miles needs any more columns written? How about Judge Nick's local victim? Can you answer Frank's letter?"
"RT @anneleitess: Met with The Capital Newspaper today for interview with their editorial board. Hope they are as nice to me as they were at…"
"I just clicked @Lundskow_CapGaz and thought, \"What? He's out?!\" Then I realized it's only 1 Oct. Here's to shutdowns for reporting Congress."
"I've never lost in court that wouldn't be reversed OTR. Too bad for the assholes @capgaznews I can do those appeals too. Ask @anneleitess."
"1 person likes this. Who am I talking about? Evil Tom, of course. Party on, Croftonites, and make your parents proud."
"I secretly hope Judge Miller interfered and gets a stern, non-public letter of warning. An awakened sleeping giant-fucker can dream, right?"
"\"'Yes, your motion is really, truly denied. Please go away. Please stop [suing the shit out of] us [and maybe getting us fired].' Denied.\""
"If God is on the brief for the State, God’s client will be ordered to pay costs. Nothing personal @DougGansler. Good luck prosecuting Oasis."
"If anyone gets the idea an SAO is “the Court,” that’s serious trouble. Serious trouble sure does get around, but I’m on the side of justice."
"Trouble with lying is you might forget what you've lied about. Trouble with ECT is it might make you forgetful. Together: serious trouble."
"A sicko with a fixation on knives, stabing, bleeding, killing, etc. hears voices she thinks are me. #FFMS #SystemFail"
"Now that it's an established fact I'm entitled to a criminal jury, see Rule 4-263(d)(6)(E), and stop playing stupid."
"The most expensive-to-be peace order in history may have expired just mere days ago, but legal purposes live on—another kind of Open Season."
"In contrast to the last tweet—my own name big and special—the capstone project of Evil Tom's career: Zero comments."
"If your name is Michelle Dawn Smith, put on a diaper or get ready to shit your pants. I doubt you were so satisfied the last time we spoke."
"The State also treats District Court proceedings as a nullity, but when I do it I'm legally correct. Angry, Miller? Illegitimate Judgeling."
"Fuck off, District Court in AA. Your Mickey Mouse tribunal has no jurisdiction over me, and I've got more news for you. Stay tuned, Jokers."
"@capgaznews Annapolis is singular, therefore use \"Annapolis's.\" Even your terrible lawyer's know that, fake fucking professional wordsmiths!"
"@capgaznews Annapolis is singular, therefore use \"Annapolis's.\" Even your terrible lawyers know that, fake fucking professional wordsmith's!"
"Evil Tom's \"Edtior's [sic] Desk\" bits falsely conveyed it was his observations of mortality that drove him to \"retire.\" ☠ @Lundskow_CapGaz ☠"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 6: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 5: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 4: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 3: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 2: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"MD Jud. case CAL12-22839, Compl., Ex. L, p. 1: State of MD v. Lori Michelle Sondervan, 6A253896, Statement of Charges"
"Welcome esquires Gansler and Leitess. Confused about my “filing criminal perjury charges, with intent to harass”? Obliteration be rectified."
"@eyeonannapolis Speaking of a lot left to happen, here's where things stand elsewhere. Much more #hurt @capgaznews."
"@eyeonannapolis That's true. What's the status of the local investigation on the girl he claimed with detail to push his fingers inside of?"
"It takes an \"avid reader\": hidden in For The Record, @eyeonannapolis missed it. Even I missed it. He faces 34 years."
"New Google auto-suggestion: \"Jarrod Ramos Hartley.\" My therapist told me people don't search that. Counseling—much like small talk—bullshit."
"They keep making up shit filings just to help Hitman and Evil Tom feel better, but it only gets worse with each one."
"If Dwyer should resign for what he allowed his attorney to argue, you should kill yourselves @capgaznews. Up to you."
"They're finally figuring out why and how Lamasney granted dismissal. It's not because you're so great, Bob. Shit on your wife's broken neck."
"It's up to Dwyer to resign or not. News flash? NEWS FLASH: Evil Tom doesn't have to blow his guilty brains out as did Phil. It's up to them."
"I also retract my earlier statement that the 3rd annual Evil Tom Day will be marked by a public auction. There will be no 3rd Evil Tom Day."
"I retract my earlier statement that Evil Tom, the drunkard lover, is far more likely to land in jail than Dwyer. They are now neck and neck."
"A bipolar drunkard might swear out charges that I just threatened to pedigree Judge Lamasney, but nope. Getting people fired, however: true!"
"Just had consecutive long-distance runs with times identical to the second. Here's to (in)consistency and patience."
"I can understand being ashamed of the drunken barefoot dancing pics, but dinner with the best \"friends\"? Wow. The #blackout's the real gold."
"Dear Steve Shitbag: will you take over for Fake Publisher Pat if her illiteracy defense fails?"
"\"If you think this man [wants to be] your friend, know this: when his ambition crumbles, death will come for you—a death you cannot escape.\""
"Funner fact: he still adds more followers from MD than CA and knows it's not worth even linking his blocked stories."
"Glee in the newsroom. Evil Tom. Journalist Hell. Where do “feast” and “grief” conjoin but and"
"I know DLA Piper's on top of that new e-discovery tool called Facebook Graph Search. The more things change, the more they stay the same."
"@saraeblumberg @philipculpepper Does it have a name? If not, I recommend John Monrivia Smith or, in the alternative, Block Block Blooock!"
"Irony of SP630: a yelling judge silently held tone negates legality; the most self-incriminating statement made on the record was not mine."
"@eyeonannapolis They silently retracted a true statement to settle Tanko's libel suit, which is all you need to know about their priorities."
"Hackner, meet Huebner. Your mistake was honest and now we're making case law. Down your fucking throat, Michelle Dawn Smith. Read it, bitch."
"@MDGazette Awwww, is Cap-Gaz losing its nerve and edginess? The first headline was actually ok, but you assholes will lose a lot more yet."
"\"Two AA men part of crime organization\"? I clicked to see Judge Nick and Evil Tom exposed as e-pedophilia kingpins."
"@capgaznews If Bowie Blade-News is so hard up for stories, here. Not good enough? The contents are criminal evidence."
"$114.25 already? Holy shit, Michelle Dawn Smith, that's almost as expensive as fake fulfillment of your discovery obligations in 23 cases."
"Yes, Evil Tom, I'm aware of your wine blog and have been since before you destroyed it. Think I didn't know you're a drunkard sympathizer?"
"I'm going to have a reported (but not @capgaznews) appellate victory, so that any sloppy SAOs of Maryland might clean up their bad practice."
"Why did I say, \"You MIGHT join them\" (caps added)? Because I might win by default. Really should, but if I don't, Legal Purpose Hell awaits."
"You've got big shoes to fill, Steve Shitbag, and such small feet. Should have run it on Sunday under THE LAST RIDE 2."
"What was the cross-scam, @abourg_Capital? You exploited a naive Nigerian man to fill space in your rag for profit?"
"And I'm not even talking about driving up the cost of litigation, which is ultimately going to fall on the head of your filthy, lying pet."
"Michelle Dawn Smith, the State of Maryland is going to lose an appeal to a crazy man because your office does not know what it is doing."
"If it weren't for me, someone might still be at Essex Bank, publicly posting on facebook during her lunch break about being hung over. Yep."
"Why didn't God take you instead, Evil Tom? Because your place is in Hell, no matter how big and special they print your name @capgaznews."
"If you think I have magical Internet powers, you might be a bipolar drunkard leading a double (triple+?) life (hiding behind said Internet)."
"Seething blood fueling an iron will, washing and flowing like a persistent force of nature, can change any landscape."
"Appeal withdrawn? Goes to show how foolish it is to think you understand a case by visiting a website. Appellate Hell awaits. #FearTheJury"
"Judicial brilliancy of the day: if you’re criminally charged and the prosecution enters a nol pros, you sure can't be a subsequent offender."
"Before arguing Time v Hill, Richard Nixon did 2 weeks of self-imposed solitary confinement. \"It takes a tremendous amount of concentration.\""
"I was surprised to see one of the staff @capgaznews writing about Manning again. Now it's back to AP articles. And why would that be? Hmmm?"
"It took me a whole day to realize Sunday's cover was written by Evil Tom. Guess that's why his name's so big. Look at him beg for comments!"
"Think a credible newspaper could beat me to it? Here’s to exposing cowardly liars everywhere I can. Come and get me."
"If harassment was punishable by death, I wonder if the AACSAO would mind a jury trial then. Here’s to playing the system everywhere we can."
"I’ve known Weathersbee is a bullshitter since it took his secretary 15 minutes to code-speak he was too pussy to answer my phone call. #FFYS"
"If Evil Tom's wine column wasn't syndicated, would they even publish that now? How does Pat feel about inheriting that flaming fraud's mess?"
"George Nicoll Lundskow was formally arraigned yesterday, still held on $1M bail. Now they're aware @capgaznews. #hurt"
"Welcome back to the twitsphere, Mr. Hartley. Update when you have a new job. I understand reporters aren't in demand."
"Look who's reminiscing on when he had a career. It was the Golden Age of Open Season. Here's to more great updating."
"They are only now aware @capgaznews, but one year ago Snowden said he'd do something about their recklessness. Pussy."
"After seeing this, I don't feel those \"victims\" were so out of place at sentencing. OUI ≠ boat accident. Or did it?"
"By the way, do you have breast cancer, Michelle Dawn Smith? If so, I'm confident that's punishment for your sins:"
"If I worked for the AACSAO, their legal research and motions practice would be orders of magnitude stronger. But I'm on the side of justice."
"Speaking of that plagiarist, it looks like he's unemployed, and I hope I had something to do with it. Better that than garnishing his wages!"
"I'll bet if you ask Evil Tom or Hitman and they manage to answer honestly, they'd rather have an IRS audit in their lives right now than me."
"Looking forward to an unseamless appointment of someone not so cozy with The Capital and who doesn't condone perjury:"
"Says Steve Shitbag: we'll hurtfully tell the truth @capgaznews when Judge Nick, Evil Tom, and Hitman take their seats"
"Funny how they leave out the \"everyone boats drunk\" remark @baltimoresun and @capgaznews it's the fact that Dwyer immediately appealed. #FnB"
"To publicly set the record straight, since I did apologize to Miller in a public document: that was before I checked our audio. Eat my shit."
"Not sorry to break it to you KZA, but Miller's a shitty judge who got pissed off because he couldn't bully me, and no he can't hear my case."
"Somewhere is a lost, drunken cosmonaut floating adrift, and I must wonder, “What do YOU think is false of this space?” Here’sh to unshtable."
"Why doesn't Eric Thomas Hartley link LADN anymore? He was very quiet of late. Was his perjuring ass on probation then fired? He deserves it."
"Oh Mr. Pyles, you'll be surprised by the selective reporting @capgaznews come next time you Case Search my name #soon"
"In the alternative, if the Court does charge contempt it must propose only a fine, as Judge Nick will die in prison."
"Funny too how it's $9/wk for access + Sunday delivery @capgaznews. Guess they're afraid of that circulation # dropping. Tough shit; eat it."
"Curious what the fuck they have to say for themselves now @capgaznews. My guess is either nothing or Bob will say CAL12-22839 doesn't exist."
"The Sun is $16/mo; they don't even know their worth @capgaznews. Outlived their use, but I'm happy to pay them—with their own fucking money."
"Holy shit, $8/mo @capgaznews! They were advertising .75/wk before. .99/wk @baltimoresun is a trial offer, idiots! No, you are not even half!"
"Now Evil Tom is really struggling for comments, assuming he ever produces another column. Why is his head posted @capgaznews? Get rid of it!"
"If people lied to and used me to create drama and heartache, I’d want nothing to do with them either. Nobody deserves that, even “friends.”"
"Remain strong, Steve Shitbag? You're not even a man. On your knees while I ram other costs down your fucking throat:"
"These \"yessh, your Honor\"s brought to you courtesy of: 3 o'clock Happy Hour at Reynold's Tavern. #NotSoGleanedFromTheInternet #IHaveToAssume"
"I'm given to understand Lamasney doesn't like changing her mind. I guess she'll have to take it out on someone this time. It's that or Zodd."
"Spoke too soon; it's back. Pat \"the really good time manager\" Richardson's quietly making Steve Shitbag look as foolish as Evil Tom used to."
"Looking forward to A2 tonight @capgaznews. Either way it's about their fifth self-inflcited new asshole. Either way they'll keep losing $$$."
"On a roll so I feel I should address Pat. What happened to that \"strong management team”? Keep your mouth shut and sign what Bob tells you."
"Fake Fucking Reporter lied about Judge Nick. A week later Shitbag Steve's introduction: \"We’ll always tell the truth — even when it hurts.\""
"@elishasauers Because you're a fake fucking reporter (ask Hartley). Judge Nick fingered his daughter's friend, and you lied to cover it up."
"Rob Hiaasen, you're one of his enabled asshole aristocrats @capgaznews. Come punitive damages, you're still not ready. Love, /The Killjoy/."
"From Annapolis Idol to Asskisser @capgaznews. After it’s suddenly all sunshine. Feel bad for living, Steve Shitbag."
"MTA.. fuck! Welcome back @capgaznews A2 ploy. Sundays only shall suffice (never mind that Monday). Steve Gunn is just another lying shitbag."
"That A2 experiment @capgaznews sure was fleeting. They care... until they think they're safe. Major corrections are coming indeed, assholes."
"The irony of being ordered to totally abstain from alcohol for 18 months was never lost on I. A truer criminal can't do 9, even with \"love.\""
"Can “one step at a time” + Pro Boner hero = the most unprofitable and outright disastrous representation of all time?"
"It pisses me off when I Case Search my name and it looks like I expunged something. I once put my psych records into evidence to win a case."
"I predict someone is going to be reading my lawsuit for the first time in the coming weeks. Given a new discovery, maybe several someones."
"LOL, 02-C-03-090923. “Absolute appeal” but can’t file a brief? Go figure. Stick to schmoozing unqualified charity appointments lower down."
"If we had lost last week, we were prepared to petition certiorari. In the wake of Galloway, good chance of COA granting. Imagine that, BCM."
"Two years with no contacts bring an order carving out true \"escalating and escalating and escalating.\" Now the brake's under another's foot."
"Now who's playing who? What a tangled web. Not representing Oasis is good. Not knowing who you represent or in the face of what is not good."
"\"It speaks for itself.\" You have misjudged a sleeping giant-fucker. BCM, meet Zodd after only 300 years of slaughter."
"\"He helped me.\" These movies got a bad rap, but had more substance than were credited for. This one was my favorite."
"They sure did make a mistake @capgaznews. CGC, Inc. pulled a Dorner this week, and I burned it down. Making corrections? Go ahead, Evil Tom."
"An amorphis body of facts substantially works @capgaznews; why not in court? Such things are beneath them, after all."
"Blood in the boardroom tomorrow @capgaznews. Somebody has to sign the interrogatory; nobody wants to. Fake publisher? Lying editor? Step up!"
"If law school didn't prepare you for this, there is, in the alternative, always prayer. Journalist Hell awaits."
"When I said \"coram nobis\" Judge Miller's expression said, \"I don't know what that is and don't want to ask.\" Doesn't know CR § 3-803 either."
"That lying letter by Renee Lee sure does get around. Let's see who it sends to jail and whose careers it ends. Here's to serious trouble."
"When the AACSAO said my VOP was dismissed because the underlying events were not direct contact, they lied."
"Now if some corrupt county employee were to say, \"Rat on us and we'll prosecute you!\" THAT would be extortion (3-702)"
"\"Snowden gets 10 days\" moved from News to For the Record @capgaznews. They were probably in violation of their settlement agreement."
"@eyeonannapolis I can also make you the leading news organization in AA County. They're obviously not up to your standards @capgaznews."
"Also @eyeonannapolis overlooked a thing on pg 3: Judge Nick said he told someone about this. My money's on Evil Tom. Sick fucks @capgaznews!"
"@elishasauers The docs sure as fuck do indicate physical contact, you fake fucking journalist! Check pgs 6 & 7. @eyeonannapolis posted them."
"RT @ethartley: What do you call people who live in a prison? \"Residents,\" apparently. Wouldn't want to make them feel bad. http://tinyur ..."
"The tremendous public interest is clear. Do they have the courgage @capgaznews to put Judge Nick's hearing higher up?"
"Michelle Dawn Smith, I still remember your gasped breath when I checkmated you. Shame eternal, Prosecutor Hell awaits."
"Just in: citing “insufficient evidence,” SAO forgoes local-Lundskow-victims investigation. Case closed. America cries. Friends say goodbye."
"This really deserves to be retweeted:"
"\"[A] blob of facts—fed and grown on their own sins—and they have stepped right in it [@capgaznews], to be eaten alive.\" Suck it again, Foer."
"@toughbabe1 Hi, Susan. Times are much more troubled @capgaznews then they'd care to admit. Nick's just the trifecta of future jailbirds."
"Can't wait to read Evil Tom's next column. I'm sure he'll be calling for Judge Nick's resignation and that he face his fate. #evidence #cry"
"I’m reminded of something. I sure did know what I was talking about. Now let’s see who the real Internet predator is."
"I’m ROR, not guilty, and unreported @capgaznews. Look who apparently isn’t: Judge Nick, Open Season awaits. Your ass."
"I'm perfectly fine with it if they want to report yesterday's events @capgaznews. I'm also curious if they do."
"The next headline? \"We Were Justice\" - Harassment case dismissed; defendant suing the shit out of us; former publisher, columnist in jail"
"Dear Readers: now that \"jarrod wants to be your friend\" is a Google auto-suggestion, try \"conviction struck in harassment case.\" See that?"
"The column about me is off search engines, because they know they are guilty @capgaznews and trying to mitigate. Too fucking late, assholes."
"Charles Feeney out, executive staff gutted @capgaznews. Glee in the newsroom led Evil Tom to Journalist Hell, and now Ed cares about truth."
"Questionable associations notwithstanding, I owe an apology to Pamela Wood. She doesn’t write columns; she writes boss-damning blog entries."
"Bad sign when it takes 9 minutes of ex parte perjury to show Judge Spencer reasonable suspicion. Only took 5 when I was guilty w/ no record."
"I think BCM may have earned himself a reprimand from the COA. I wonder if he's the Oasis \"counsel.\" If so, he's looking at disbarment."
"LOL @AACOSHERIFF deputy threatening to criminally and tortiously kidnap me at work for \"evading.\" #irony Legal purpose? That's harassment!!!"
"Mr. Fleckenstein, you're arguing Frank will only ever get a pay raise if it's mandated. Why not just steal more cars?"
"@LADNMarMendoza Is Eric Thomas Hartley plagiarizing you now, or is somebody's report in error?"
"Dorner thought he was special, then fled to a tiny cottage and hid from justice like a scared little bitch. Sure does remind me of someone."
"Back to bed for the awakened sleeping giant pussy. #bully Watch from Hell how you expose liars, and burn with Phil in the suiciders' corner."
"Damages will be HIGH. I am unpredictable, and imprectable. I was Evil Tom's high value target, and I know your testimonies and secrets. NAME"
"Don't blame the courts @capgaznews. You just fucked with the wrong person. You have awakened a sleeping giant-fucker."
"Dorner thinks his false report was justified because a mentally-sick delusionist said so. Sure does remind me of someone. #FearForYourSafety"
"When I was 5, I struck David Hernandez in the eye with a croquet mallet, and that has nothing to do with anything. Be glad, Hitman. #Dorner"
"Is this what they meant by \"one step at a time\"? One nasty and not-only-self-destructive habit reinforcing another: \n"
"I'll bet Stacie Tobin left DLA Piper to avoid the malpractice suit brewing @capgaznews. They love desperately suing back during lost cases."
"When Judge Legum throws out my charges, thanks in part to you @capgaznews, are you going to send a reporter who has me on block? #NotFoxNews"
"@LADNMarMendoza Hartley's former colleagues block me to hide the truth and protect their fake paper. Ask why he retracted a true statement."
"I was wondering if Stacie Tobin would show her face and what color suit she'd be wearing. Looks like she wants no part of this either, Bob."
"Face your fate and cry, Hitman. Bob dodged your day of Descent, but what do you know of Conviction? Tanko says shit."
"@LADNMarMendoza He's also a plagiarist, lawsuit magnet, and shamelessly criminal liar who thinks he's better than \"regular people.\" Shocked?"
"@pwoodreporter Don't worry. You'll be getting the chance to visit him in jail just one county over. You can write a loving column about it."
"It’s not fucking political, Mr. Weathersbee. This time, it’s fucking personal. Fuck you and your crooked henhouse too."
"They could be having a field day running more pieces about me @capgaznews. Instead, they want this quiet (like Tanko). Never overlook that."
"Good thing my probation is over or someone might be criminally and tortiously claiming I magically harassed her by posting on @AACOSHERIFF."
"To end this sentence, I'll give the courts 18 lifetimes without drinking away my own free will. Whasshit ultimately come down to? Character."
"And precisely when, Your Holy Pompousness, does evening begin? Noon? Keep rehearsing and never forget: You Are Justice."
"Weak case, OSP, and Leopold is getting off again. As you've explained to me, inherent dishonesty and abuse of discretion are not corruption."
"Oasis doesn't always charge illegal arbitrary copy fees. Sometimes they just illegally withhold or even destroy the records, for free."
"@willfullyblind Eric Thomas Hartley tweeting with willful blindness? Indeed the public deserves to know, but don't thank his grand devotion."
"Eric Thomas Hartley wanted to be famous, and he wanted another lawsuit, so why doesn’t he want his name on this one? Look who’s hiding now."
"What's wrong with AA Health? I see a corrupt bitch who's going to lose a lot more than her job, and it's not Wakhweya."
"\"Apparently\" even Ben Weathers is not immune from Crapital bias. No qualification when Case Search has dirt on a suspect. Pam Wood gets it."
"LOL at all the gays registering @capgaznews to pretend they hate Dwyer for his drinking. Looks like they're still in the closet after all."
"Mark Barebo of Evil Tom's cabinet also out @capgaznews. His replacement is a puppet, since the real Marketing Chief is their new publisher."
"Good luck spewing your bullshit under oath and on the record, Judge Nick, assuming your sorry company makes it so far."
"Unlike Dwyer, Evil Tom was appointed by attrition, and the people will only ever vote for him with their non-comments and contempt. #lessons"
"Oasis: the Center for Mental Health charges a truly-illegal arbitrary flat fee for medical records. More proof of Hitman’s biased reporting."
"Has Bob ever so dreaded a hearing that he asked for? He sold his soul with his dignity. Photo: Amy Davis @baltimoresun"
"\"Snowden has done … good things … but I don't think he ever did anything without calculating how it would benefit him[.]\" That is everyone."
"They're sure going out of their way now to be nice to Snowden @capgaznews. What of Leopold if Robey and Chang also threatened to sue them?"
"I Feldt like a wolf in a henhouse on July 25, 2012. Here's what comes in 2013. \"Oh my god\" indeed, would-be-judge Judy."
"Managing Editor Loretta Haring also out @capgaznews. This is Evil Tom leaving on his own terms, not Landmark cleaning a filthy house of sin."
"I move for contempt for fraud before the Court, and they have nothing. The nooses are tight as they await the floor to drop them into Hell."
"I like how he uses \"preponderance of evidence\" as he works on purging his ignorance of law. News flash, Evil Tom: you have no new evidence."
"I can tell Evil Tom wrote today's Our Say. He's cracked, yearning for comments, and, ironically, far more likely to land in jail than Dwyer."
"Evil Tom's final four columns garnered zero comments. That's because he only appreciates vigorous debate when it involves Foer's big vagina."
"Too bad Evil Tom can't look back in time and Target the word \"grief\" in more of his columns. As a Killjoy promiseth, Journalist Hell awaits."
"Annapolis Idol Evil Tom retires from his fairytale life. Comes now a rude awakening to reality, in maybe so few shots."
"\"It's scary and exhilarating and horrible and wonderful all at the same time.\" And then it's not. Revelations of doom are born today indeed."
"Snowden VOP on edit 5. Not a mind for \"Thursday\" until edit 4. If he calls to comment, will they accomodate him like when Greiber called?"
"And they got it! Jig is up! So much for that newfound Fox Newsishness. That's some great ammo for Snowden to prove constitutional malice."
"They keep editing unneccesary \"that\"s, yet Snowden still has no comment later this afternoon. Do they know it's live?"
"Another stooge @capgaznews says Evil Tom is going on his own terms? That mark on his head is called Brand of Sacrifice; or now, Open Season."
"I'm sorry, Hitman, your whole piece wasn't false, just 500 900ths of it. That F's not just for Fail but how Fucked you are. Kiss my A++."
"But seems they've learned you don't write columns about people convicted in the District Court, lest an appeal show the whole piece false."
"More errant pre-publication @capgaznews: AL1RAT recklessly writing Snowden was unavailable for comment in the future."
"Count the Errors! SCORE KEY: 0 - you're a $lawyer$ 1 - you can read 2 - you can research 3+ - you know what's going on."
"Technically speaking, Judge Lamasney could grant everything on Monday. Are you prepared for Journalist Hell, John Smith? Kiss the girls bye."
"I wonder if Hitman is worried there'll be a warrant for his arrest. Now imagine that feeling if he'd done nothing wrong, and others knew it."
"More glee in the newsroom @capgaznews. If Evil Tom seems especially down today, it's because he might be going to jail. He deserves it. #tip"
"Thanks again to all the readers who have made this page the now-solidly first hit on my name. Evil Tom says: you assholes are the best."
"3/16/03 - WTF? FTW. Real fulfillment. Older and fatter people thought I was crazy then too. CAL12-22839: you're next."
"Well, it's too low, but I'd say that worked nicely. In fact, I just found existential fulfillment and my life is complete. Thanks, Internet."
"Twitter wants me to put a second, bigger picture in that box, which is already also covered with words? What a bunch of fucking idiots. #0IQ"
"Bravo, Foer, for putting your name on that column. Mr. Audi thinks you're a scared little bitch hiding behind your friend's fake newspaper."
"LOL, my process server thought Hitman was 50. I don't think Tanko v CG Realty did that to him, though it did bring him closer to Evil Tom."
"I wonder if Sheriff Bateman knows he's going to be celebrating the third annual Evil Tom Day with the public auction of 2000 Capital Drive."
"\"You don't do anything half way, do you?\" Sandra O'Neill's last words (to me - 11/2/10). Bitch, you have no idea. Counselor Hell awaits."
"So Oasis provided you with another \"hot tip\" @capgaznews? This one's sunk your ship, because Evil Tom just couldn't learn the first time."
"Stay away from him, @SenatorBarb. He's DOOM. I watched you at the gates of Journalist Hell. Don't believe? Check a map."
"@PeteMedhurst Depends on the disagreement. Honestly informed journalists who consider Hitman's position at all defensible are going to Hell."
"@SenatorBarb You're sitting in my chair, Barb. No, really. I'm going to own that and Evil Tom is going to blow his many brains [sic] out."
"Protector Evil Tom's protectors need protection. Who needs friends like that? Indeed, that's how this all began."
"Bob doesn't know, but he's got a cross-claim with \"Oasis\" written on it. That is, if he keeps his license. So the gears truly begin to turn."
"Bob, I'll answer you before we meet. Yes, I am smarter than you. In fact, your motion admits my brain is going to eat you alive (vid below)."
"A worthless motion to dismiss is only justified when the pending judgement is infinite. Evil Tom, Hitman, Journalist Hell awaits."
"I hope your team is enjoying Berserk and trying to crack my psyche, Bob. Transcripts don't cut it; the devil's in the details. #$$$wellspent"
"Sorry, Rig, you're only fit to defend The Capital from incompetents. Now they pay the guy who can't even wait for his filing to be stamped."
"@ethartley Denial of due process? Pre-written reports? Lives in limbo? I'd bet your lying ass is interested, Hitman. Journalist Hell awaits."
"Judge Nick doesn’t believe in the God Hand. I play a well established part of that system by tweeting of it. He almost sounds so ridiculous."
"Hi, John Smith. I’m Femto. I can also do whatever I want. I will have my own kingdom. I will choose the place you die."
"Evil Tom's job is to admit his mistakes, but being sued isn't enough. My mistake: Snowden will not just have to sue, but show the newsroom."
"Suddenly so keen @capgaznews to mention Snowden's DUI is under appeal. I guess once HE sues them we'll hear the truth of why it's happening."
"When I write about speed cameras it's life wisdom in a nutshell. When Foer does it's raving bitching and whining. Fuck that guy @capgaznews."
"George Nick Lundskow, do the world a favor and kill yourself. I don't say that out of rage, but public concern. What a phony fuck you are."
"The lesson Evil Tom still fails to grasp: publication is publication. Deleting what you put on the Internet does not undo that. It's fraud!"
"Reconsideration? Appeals? Defense? INTERVIEWS?! Snowden Guilty, Take 2, and the fairness flows. I've been giving @abourg_Capital lessons."
"What Evil Tom doesn't like is answering, but on Monday he must. Enjoy the Feast of Grief while you can @capgaznews. It will be your last."
"@AnitaBigone Go to Marquardt's office at 2000 Capital Drive, slam it on the floor, and shout \"GLEE IN THE NEWSROOM!\" Tom likes reminiscing."
"@AnitaBigone Trust me, that won't work. They think they're above the law and part of the justice system all at once. It's juries to fix 'em."
"@AnitaBigone gets the fair report privilege better than Evil Tom's lapdog. He will make you a star! Right, @ethartley?"
"Why is Lapdog so upset? I'd bet she blocked it too, so it couldn't further troll her reply. #UnfreeFlowOfIdeas_Capital"
"Hi, Kim. Hopefully you didn't just find out. Are you going to answer questions for him too? The world wants to know."
"You're so sure you're within your rights; you've actually earned punitive liability. Let's bifurcate. What do you jackasses say @capgaznews?"
"\"Fishing\" and relaxing? No idea what's next? Unconditional forgiveness? This can only mean one thing. Evil Tom is following Phil to the end."
"You even incorrrectly edited a colon to semicolon. At least you resisted the urge to insert a stupid [sic]. Need I say more? Oh, yes; lots."
"See, Tom, both choices were wrong. You already chose that long ago. But to print it was far more wrong. That was true to your form as well."
"Hook, line, and sinker. Print one but not the other? Evil Tom admits to knowingly attempting to conceal his wrongdoing:"
"Judge Pryal was right: this is just a big ruse. And to the big-haired bitch who called me spontaneous and erratic: fuck you, just because."
"Evil Tom refuses to publish me, a better writer than any @capgaznews. Guess he \"knew\" I'm an exile and wanted the people to know (only) it."
"@ethartley That's not a circle until you run from the police on TV because of your notes. How about it, Hitman? L.A. wasn't far enough."
"@ethartley Yee's back in the news and you're writing about porn? Is more of your steaming-shit reporting getting too hot to handle, Hitman?"
"Think long, Evil Tom. You'll still choose wrong."
"Are you still there, Bob? Motion to dismiss if you dare, but I suggest admitting Par. 106. Let's chat? Let's go public relations nightmare."
"@capgaznews A new Twitter layout, a new lawsuit, more lawsuits likely, and the Board is coming for Sandy. Perfect storm indeed. #CorruptInAA"
"They pissed on the 1st Amendment for a poisoned word; a sentence: $2.5M. What will a corrupt column of lies and delusions cost @capgaznews?"
"Here's what lies behind the lies. Evil Tom spent two minutes (could have been one minute) discussing this with ANYONE!"
"Thanks to all the readers who have made this site the #1 hit on my name.  Here's why Evil Tom wishes you didn't exist:"
"I can understand the Sarah Jones saga like most people cannot fathom, and not just because I've read her deposition."
"@Lundskow_CapGaz Up yours. But here's a story for you to mind: Mr. Snowden may be citing it when he sues you."
"Evil Tom: We gave up \"opinion\" for FRP?\n$$$: Yep.\nET: We already burned that too?\n$$$: Yep.\nET: Well what do we do now?\n$$$: You're fucked."
"Nobody @capgaznews has any clue what in the world this is. Their poser lawyer-journalist should have read it long ago."
"They've seen me speak with profanity, they've seen me speak of God, now they will hear me speak Hartley's hated law (AKA 'the rules')."
"Eric Hartley admitted he is not a \"good reporter.\" He is bad. Sometimes the best defense is to send an opposing offense to Journalist Hell."
"Not only is Marquardt still 12 years old, but a scared little bitch hiding his feeble words behind a fake newspaper."
"Choosing ruin or suicidal dunderhead? Evil Tom kisses Hitman's rectus inferior and cuts his bullshit \"opinion\" defense:"
"Thanks for the tip, D'Dog. I'll bet they're ditching system logs too. Sign of the times indeed."
"A to C on 10/10.. what's up Defama'Dog? Know something your readers don't @abourg_Capital? Have some JIP with your DIP. #privateshaming"
"\"Collaboration between [GINNY MILES] and [@ethartley] ... is highly censurable and worthy of [DISBARMENT].\" -SCOTUS"
"@ethartley Glad there won't be a murderous rampage now. Let's go for a short jail term and his career, just for kicks. #prosecutoriallogic"
"@ethartley John Dodger likes Deadliest Catch, making the threat credible. Eric Charles Hartley fears for his safety. #breakingnews"
"They don't care about the 1st Amendment THAT much @capgaznews or @ethartley. Ask Louis Tanko. We are going to war because they are assholes."
"Evil Tom, Inc. – Gleefully injuring/silencing under guise of “aggressive reporting” since 1960, yet still 12 years old."
"Landmark is firing Marquardt. This is why."
"If your name is Thomas Lee Marquardt, put on a diaper or get ready to shit your pants. You'll have thirty days to wipe your ignorant butt."
"The Egg cracks: banned from posting @capgaznews. They let Judge Nick self-incriminate, but knocking Foer is no-no. Oops"
"“O lying tongue, caught in the gears of justice, sever thyself lest my skull be ground to dust.” –The Perjurers’ Prayer (Courts 9:104)"
"@ethartley Censorship and alleged cover-ups making the problem a thousand times worse? You do speak from experience; still, what foresight."
"But that's all tripe till @ethartley uncovers if Yee was playing DOOM. There’s hope yet for racially motivated carnage."
"If Yee is never charged, just who was it making terroristic threats? Reputation carries far AND near; defamation isn’t just what you print."
"As permitted by law—to wit, in court and before a jury—I am going to murder @ethartley’s career and the \"paper\" @capgaznews. #♥1stAmendment♥"
"\"Despicable and threatening,\" \"racially motivated,\" \"he wants to kill/flee,\" \"$2M bail?\" Charge him in a court of law, or shut the fuck up."
"Reputable journalists: threat undiscolsed. Eric 'The Hitman' Hartley: \"Neighbors! Fear for your safety!!\" Blood so soon? Marquardt is proud."
"See you in.. 5 weeks? Apparently, I can even make a computer kiosk \"fear for its safety\" now. Thanks a lot @ethartley."
"What do I mean by \"another\"? Just you wait and see. The Constitution was amended many times after the 1st, but you don't care much for that."
"@ethartley The actual posting is not released, yet you're publishing extra-judiciary statements about it.  Way to compromise another case."
"Oh, a sign of life from Judge Nick @capgaznews. Thought maybe they already fired him. Just suppressing his 1st Amendment rights now I guess."
"Just look at all the talking heads in this affidavit matter. At least 150 working years between them, so much misinformation put into print."
"Why can’t an arrogant autodidact prevail over practiced professionals? We’re all self-assured; I’m not handicapped by what I think I know."
"Grasso, Snowden, Sohovich, Robey, Chang. Going for a volume discount on attorney fees @capgaznews? No JD, but I have the highest EV of all."
"I have to log out just to see my own tweets @AL1RAT from my own page. Good thing there's no court order or Twitter might try to violate it."
"\"Just malicious, she is slanderous, she is libelous. The woman has her own agenda, caught up in the maelstrom.” Perfect aim, wrong target."
"Now blocked by reckless reporter/driver @abourg_Capital. \"Fear for your safety,\" but on 10/19 she'll understand why I'm \"collecting things.\""
"@capgaznews Strange. If they have any cause of action, it's against you. Blindsiding the plaintiff kind of kills your fair report privilege."
"No identity crisis here, but some very prescient themes:"
"Amusing realization: @capgaznews thinks and acts like it's part of our judiciary; Carl O. Snowden actually is."
"Not that I need any more free help @capgaznews, but why not report on my expunged history \"according to online court records\"? Only you can."
"Free pre-schooling for @ethartley To skip it would be deliberate ignorance, which is why I'm sure he won't be there."
"@ethartley knows a lot about obvious bias, uncited sources, and fake reports about fake Twitter followers. Historic consequences indeed."
"It’s official: the staff @capgaznews are funded, delusional vigilantes Much like this guy"
"When Rice quit, she was so afraid of evil Tom that she destroyed her notes. In kind, he destroyed internal memos. No one ever reported this."
"\"Misconduct that violates the integrity of our Honored Courts makes a victim of those very Courts, which in turn makes a victim of us all.\""
"@abourg_Capital Actually, hiding under Marquardt's thumb brings high exposure to judgement. Melinda Rice knew better. #pullthefuckingtrigger"
"\"No regard for truth, ethics or balance\" has \"been a lot of fun\"  Welcome now to the gates of Hell. Say hello to Phil."
"Know this, Tom: logical falsity perjury has no SoL, is inter-jurisdictional, and I doubt you're also in bed with the PGSAO. Past is present."
"After all these months, just discovered Marquardt's bullshit apology to Greiber, which he didn't even have the courage to sign his name to."
"@abourg_Capital named Sohovich a felon under Tran §27-113(c). No other outlet said he knew he had killed someone. That's for Crapital elite."
"So what's L.O.W.? I'll show off my new scanner. Note the not-fearing-for-anyone's-safety spacing of the dates. #VOPfail"
"Troubling legal loophole: you can't libel the dead, even if you libel them dead. By a single ill-intended word, @abourg_Capital draws blood."
"\"The driver of the vehicle then left the scene.\" \n\"[Sohovich] fled the scene ... the victim ... .\""
"My gift to the Sohovich attorney, even if it's money out of my own pocket. The attached facebook chatter said, \"Bad news is the best news.\""
"RT @abourg_Capital: \"Ugh, the news is always bad news.\" --roommate, watching TV, possibly oblivious to the fact that the news is how I a ..."
"Oh boy, and do they apologize? Nope. Instead they delete his mother's clarifying comments. Damned if they do, damned if they don't indeed."
"One benefit of precise \"cop-speak,\" @ethartley? Dangerously bad, second-rate journalists can't report \"for the record\" what was not said."
"She's probably only negligent, but \"How do you think he feels now?\" I'd bet she felt good accusing someone else of dangerously bad driving."
"If I were an attorney, I'd take a Sohovich lawsuit against @abourg_Capital, and I know far more than way most. Welcome to the libel train."
"Want to get grief @ethartley @capgaznews? Punishment is overdue. Prince George's jurors dish it out AND feast. I was Yellow #5 just today."
"@capgaznews The publisher of a columnist who plagiarized delusions while striking \"I have to assume.\" They can't bear to find fault within."
"Funny how a Chief Prosecutor and Agent Senior talk about me with the same exact phrases, echoing a \"report\" from a seat of chosen ignorance."
"All liars are imprisoned in time, be that within walls of steel, stone, foam padding, hellfire, or their own lies. No one escapes forever."
"Braved that @ethartley inspired shitstorm. Now sending the bill to @capgaznews. They've rallied their wagons around the eye of a hurricane."
"I \"crossed the line,\" \"need to be on medication,\" and \"need to be taken off the streets because\" I'm \"dangerous,\" and now I'm back on L.O.W."
"So you've seen \"it\" before, Michelle Smith? Look in the mirror. The real jokers are in Annapolis, and not just a threat-maker from Crofton."
"You're no Whac-A-Mole, Mr. Marquardt, but a crimson-nosed clown feasting over a shark tank.  Easy targets demand accuracy, not reflex."
"Oooh.. a more unflattering photo. Time to pull an Eric Thomas Hartley (by switching photos, not by battering children)."
"I could write a sensational fair report about it--without constitutional malice--for my local rag, but I’m not a professional journalist."
"Called by authorities today regarding registered sex offender Eric Hartley, who has abused unconsenting children."
"@ethartley Preaching about what is \"safe\" to omit while making a factual error. At least he corrected it this time. What a complete fool."
"Pity, though, he didn't challenge Valentin. His was a perfect example of why Judge Bell was so right, but I guess the time was not yet ripe."
"Not only was John Greiber not an \"unqualified ally,\" but he sure knew how to prosecute liars for their lies way better than Mr. Weathersbee."
"If this is obsessed harassment, AACSAO, why would I spend a year schooling myself to the point I can school your own Chief? Why wait? How??"
"@ethartley Now that was me collecting things, and this truth is no defense. You want rambling messages? Try Ray Mullady's closing argument."
"@ethartley I guess you were fortunate nobody censored your response or tried to have you prosecuted for it. But of course: *you're special!*"
"RT @abourg_Capital: I learned last week that my company is going to start pulling employees' driving records. Um, all those speeding tic ..."
"@abourg_Capital 48 in a 25 and ignores people in crosswalks. That watchdog fits @capgaznews. Fear for you safety. I do."
"But his restraint has been commendable for such a blithering idiot. I wonder if he'll do so well at his deposition. #journalisticuntegrity"
"It was @ethartley's fat ass blocking the sunshine. Goes to the PD to start a lawsuit, refuses to go back to perpetuate it. #sanctionsmaybe"
"RT @Bagwell4Trustee: @ethartley I guess San Bern County will be raising its police report fee tomorrow #transparencymaybe"
"\"Insufficient information to admit or deny, even though @ethartley already dogmatically spouted all about it.\" That well runs deep indeed."
"Welcome to Track 5 @capgaznews. We're litigating your complex. Did somebody sell you on early dismissal? Some more employees, perhaps."
"I'm going to miss \"repeatedly posting to the Twitter feeds\" of these jackasses once they get an attorney. Say a prayer for those poor souls."
"Bet you $10M on that @capgaznews.  Damn.  I'm so good, I sometimes pretend to scare even myself."
"Thanks for fleeing the state @ethartley. Venue is now proper; forum non conveniens won't work this time either. See you in my great county."
"What's some of the best evidence of all?  Spoilage of evidence and destruction of records.  See also: Melinda H. Rice."
"Madam State thinks she's Dr. Phil, yet she can't even do her own job.  She can ignore her oath, but can she ignore a subpoena?"
"Now that it's happening, seems @ethartley doesn't want it printed anymore.  Light for ALL, asshole!"
"A picture American Heritage should not steal: “the smug look of a toad breakfasting on fat marsh flies” #notasmuglord"
"It's not stealing if you switch words around, right @ethartley?  I learned otherwise in middle school, but you have a degree in journalism."
"RT @pwoodreporter: Stealing words and stealing pictures IS STILL STEALING. #journalistrant"
"As much as I hate the name, given the dead links and no redirects it is necessary.  Even one Twitter account is more than enough for me."
"This account used to be called EricHartleyFrnd. Now that it ranks visibly and distinguishes from SuperNinja518, that is no longer necessary."
"Just like in my Raw Deal days, my opponents know what's coming, and they can't stop it.  The mood is about to change @capgaznews @ethartley."
"That's how much they \"respect the jury's verdict.\"  That's how much juries respect them.  Define \"glee in the newsroom.\"  Define \"killjoy.\""
"And as Judge Nick presides over Comments Court, his boss's own adjudicated libel goes unchecked:"
"Old habits die hard @capgaznews \"We can do whatever we want, and you can't, because we're The Capital, and you're not.\""
"@ethartley You know better than that, Mr. Hartley.  What you're about to learn is it's the non-interviews that get really expensive."
"Team Taz on page 1 of my name's Google results. Lexpert @ethartley going to depose Darrian? Libel proof me if you can, survive if I let you."
"\"Fair.\"  That's why I just learned Snowden's cause is over online user comments, which you've recognized are a concern.   See: Sarah Jones"
"But how could Snowden even know, given your incomplete coverage of that non-newsworthy attorney of no public concern?  Fairness indeed."
"Hell to pay @capgaznews Is that ranting @ethartley? Rambling? Did you fear for your safety or just a mention of Tanko?"
"But, in my opinion, they are going to pay dearly for mine.  See that?  Doesn't always work.  Still a statement of fact."
"In my opinion, Snowden has no cause of action against the Capital because constitutional malice is a very difficult standard to meet."
"Thanks guys, and I forgive you for not calling.  It's not like it's your job or--far, far worse--willful ignorance."
"\"Jarrod W. Ramos\" now a Google suggestion, no doubt because of my many  friends who keep forgetting my phone number."
"Seeking publicity?  Nope.  I'm leaving that decision up to them @capitalgazette"
"And on appeal, #mentioning @ethartley broadcasts on his Twitter feed to the whole world, and other such ridiculous findings, negated."
"Highlight of the knight: being told “Shut up” by a big-mouthed esquire."
"It's official: Twitter is overrated.  Thank you Verizon for giving me a competing presence in search results.  Hartley - 2nd, Ramos - 8th."
"They've searched hard @ethartley @htannapolis but I'm not the one with a history of damaging misconduct."
"@ethartley Now that I'm back under your research microscope, do me a favor and help get my ranking as high as yours."
"Conviction struck!  But they left out the most important part of the story.  Stay tuned..."

tweets as archived by 
